
Project 2 of Openclassrooms Path - Book to Scrape -- extract certain information of http://books.toscrape.com/index.html into a csv file

Primary LanguagePython

Book to Scrape


Project 2 of OpenClassrooms Path: Developer Python - Book to Scrape -- extract certain information of http://books.toscrape.com into a csv file:

  • product_page_url
  • universal_ product_code (upc)
  • title
  • price_including_tax
  • price_excluding_tax
  • number_available
  • product_description
  • category
  • review_rating
  • image_url

These information should be extracted for each single book. Organised in the category on the website.

An improved version (2.0) is available in branch dev/version-2.0


open terminal

  1. git clone https://github.com/DoriDoro/Book_to_Scrape.git
  2. cd Book_to_Scrape
  3. python -m venv venv
  4. . venv/bin/activate (on MacOS/Linux) venv\Scripts\activate (on Windows)
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Configuring a Python environment
  • Managing data using the ETL process
  • Using version control with Git and GitHub
  • Applying the basics of Python programming

Visualisation of the project:

start the program with python3 main.py

in terminal you will see:

the results are visible in following folders:

  1. the results of the images:
  2. the csv files: