🧠 Omni Engineer: An AI-Powered Developer Console

An intelligent assistant designed to enhance your development workflow with advanced AI capabilities.

🔍 Overview

Omni Engineer is a console-based tool that integrates AI capabilities into your development process. It offers smart responses to coding queries, file management, web searching, and image processing functionalities, now with enhanced features for a more robust development experience.

Omni Engineer is a spiritual successor to Claude Engineer, built from extensive usage of hand-made AI tools, trial and error, and user feedback. This new script allows for more control via simplicity while introducing powerful new features like multi-file editing and chat session management.

🌟 Features

  • AI-Powered Responses with Streaming Output
  • Advanced File Management (Add, Edit, Create, Show Content)
  • Multi-File Editing Support
  • Web Searching with DuckDuckGo Integration
  • Image Processing (Local Files and URLs)
  • Undo Functionality for File Edits
  • Conversation Save & Load
  • Syntax Highlighting for Code
  • Diff Display for File Changes
  • AI Model Selection and Switching

🖥️ Commands

  • /add <filepath>: Add files to AI context
  • /edit <filepath>: Edit existing files
  • /new <filepath>: Create new files
  • /search: Perform web searches
  • /image <filepath/url>: Add images to context
  • /clear: Clear AI memory
  • /reset: Reset the session
  • /diff: Toggle diff display
  • /history: View chat history
  • /save: Save current chat
  • /load: Load a previous chat
  • /undo <filepath>: Undo last file edit
  • /help: Display available commands
  • /model: Show current AI model
  • /change_model: Change the AI model
  • /show <filepath>: Display content of a file

🚀 Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/doriandarko/omni-engineer.git
    cd omni-engineer
  2. Install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Rename the .env.example to .env and add your API Key:
  4. Run the main script:
    python omni-eng.py

📚 Usage

After launching the console, enter commands or questions as needed. The AI will respond accordingly, assisting with various development tasks. Use the /help command to see a list of available commands and their descriptions.

🤖 AI Models

Omni Engineer utilizes OpenRouter to access a variety of AI models. The default model is set to "anthropic/claude-3.5-sonnet" for general assistance and "google/gemini-pro-1.5" for code editing. You can view the current model with /model and change it using /change_model. For detailed information on available models and their capabilities, refer to OpenRouter's documentation.

🔧 Advanced Features

  • Multi-File Editing: Edit multiple files in a single session.
  • Real-time Diff Display: See changes as they're made with the diff feature.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Improved code readability with syntax highlighting.
  • Image Context: Add both local and URL-based images to your AI context.
  • Flexible Model Selection: Switch between different AI models for various tasks.

🐛 Issue Reporting

Please use the issue tracker only for reporting actual bugs in the code. This helps keep the issue tracker focused on improving the project's stability and functionality.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions to Omni Engineer are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, create issues for bugs, or suggest new features.

⭐️ Star History

Star History Chart