This is a guide to do Blue-Green deployments in AWS using AutoScaling groups and ALBs.
- Launch the Blue stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name BlueStackdemo --template-body file://BlueStack.yaml --parameters file://Blueparameters.json
- Launch the Green stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name GreenStackdemo --template-body file://GreenStack.yaml --parameters file://Greenparameters.json
Run the Deployment Script once to switch over the the Green Stack
. Run it another time to retire the Blue Stack
For now the script requires you to fill in three parameters (TargetGroupArn, Blue Autoscaling group name and Green Autoscaling Group name) but this is in the works to get fixed.
- Have the script to run once to take care of everything.
- launch the cloudformation stack using boto3 in the script.
- output TargetGroup Arn and AutoScaling names to the Cloudformation Output.
- use the values above as arguments for methods.
- implement this in a CI/CD pipeline.