
MaximWire library for Arduino 33 BLE and DS18B20 sensor

Primary LanguageC++


This is very simple library to connect DS18B20 temperature sensors and Arduino NANO 33 BLE controllers.

Getting started

By default, if you use only one DS18B20 device, you don't need external pull-up resistor. Just connect directly:

  • +3.3V -> RED
  • GND -> BLACK

Where BUS is any digital ping (like 9, for example). And use example from examples/AnyDevice.

Multiple devices

When you need to work with multiple devices on the same bus, you need external pull-up resistor of 1.7~2.2kOm.

  • +3.3V -> RED1 + RED2 + ...
  • BUS -> YELLOW1 + YELLOW2 + ...
  • GND -> BLACK1 + BLACK2 + ...

And connect BUS and +3.3V lines with pull-up resistor.

Parasite power

DS18B20 are able to share bus wire for powering itself, so only two wires required. And you will need external pullup resistor too.

  • GND -> RED + BLACK

And connect BUS and +3.3V lines with pull-up resistor.