
Unified script for building GSI and device-specific LineageOS

Primary LanguageShell

Building TrebleDroid-based LineageOS GSIs

Set up your environment by referring to LineageOS Wiki (mainly "Install the build packages" and "Install the repo command").

Create a new working directory for your LineageOS build and navigate to it:

mkdir lineage-20-build-td; cd lineage-20-build-td

Initialize your LineageOS workspace:

repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-20.0 --git-lfs

Clone both this and the patches repos:

git clone https://github.com/AndyCGYan/lineage_build_unified lineage_build_unified -b lineage-20-td
git clone https://github.com/AndyCGYan/lineage_patches_unified lineage_patches_unified -b lineage-20-td

Finally, start the build script - for example, to build for all supported archs:

bash lineage_build_unified/buildbot_unified.sh treble A64VN A64VS A64GN 64VN 64VS 64GN

Be sure to update the cloned repos from time to time!

Note: VNDKLite targets are generated from built images instead of source-built - refer to sas-creator.

This script is also used to make device-specific and/or personal builds. To do so, understand the script, and try the device and personal keywords.