
Contains samples and utilities relating to the Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK

MIT LicenseMIT

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK Version 2

This project provides a client tools or utilities in .NET that makes it easy to interact with Azure Cosmos DB. Azure cosmos DB is published with nuget name Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK Version 3 is GA

Please try out the new v3 SDK.

Useful links:


The implementation in this project is intended for reference purpose only.

Minimum Requirements

.Net 4.5

Consuming the official Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB SDK

From Package Manager Console

  Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB  

SDK release notes



Performance tips


Diagnose and troubleshooting issues



https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-dotnet-samples is a good starting point.

Also great source of samples can be found at https://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-dotnet/tree/master/samples