Make a persistent domoticz container
Feel free to make an issue or pull request here
make run
should ask you any pertinent questions and bring up a container running domoticz
docker pull avinkdotone/domotics-docker
@docker run --name=domoticz \
--privileged \
--cidfile="cid" \
-d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v $(DATADIR)/config:/config \
-t avinkdotone/domoticz-docker
or simply use the init
recipe from the Makefile
make init
First run an instance like above and grab
it's data dirctory:
make grab
or manually
mkdir -p datadir/domoticz
docker cp `cat cid`:/config - |sudo tar -C datadir/ -pxf -
then kill off the original container and run the persistent image
make clean
make run
or manually
@docker run --name=domoticz \
--privileged \
-d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v `pwd`/datadir/config:/config \
-t avinkdotone/domoticz-docker
there are branches for raspberryPi as well, checkout the arm
branch to pull my image from docker hub, or use the local-stretch
to build
locally though it should be noted you'll need a locally built stretch image named local-stretch
, I have another Makefile
repo for that as well. Merely make stretch
and a local stretch image can be built using
debootstrap (which is available in most distribution [even ones not based on debian])