
A Shiny app for PMX QC

Primary LanguageR


A Shiny app for pefroming pharmacometrics-related quality checks (PMX QC).

Read the paper associated with this project, published in CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology.


The app can be accessed online at http://dotanor.shinyapps.io/DataCheQC

You can load the app locally by using shiny::runGitHub("DotanOr/DataCheQC").

Alternatively, download the code as a .zip archive and extract the files, then run using shiny::runApp("path/to/directory")

As the app has several dependencies, running the code locally may not work right away depending on your R environment.

If you have issues with conflicting package versions, run the following to try and resolve those discrepancies:


Getting Started

Check out the official DataCheQC documentation to get acquainted with the app's features, interface and more!

The QC Workflow
