
This repository contains tools which can be used while programming.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository contains tools which can be used while programming.

1. Audio


2. Compression

  • Huffman Compression
    • This function is declared in Huffman.h and defined in Huffman.cpp.

    • The declaration is here below:

      static bool CompressFile(const char* srcFilePath, const char* dstFilePath);
      static bool DecompressFile(const char* srcFilePath, const char* dstFilePath);
    • If you want to compress a file through huffman compression, just pass the file's path to parameter srcFilePath and the output file's path to dstFilePath. If successed, the function will return true. Otherwise, it will return false. For example:

      //Compress "test.exe" at D:\, please ensure that D:\test.exe is existed.
      #include <iosteam>
      #include "Huffman.h"
      int main() {
          if(HuffmanCompression::CompressFile("D:\\test.exe", "D:\\test.exe.HuffmanCmp")) {
              std::cout << "Successed!\n";
          } else {
              std::cout << "Failed!\n";
          return 0:

      If you want to decompress test.exe.HuffmanCmp, just like here below:

      //Decompress "test.exe.HuffmanCmp" at D:\, please ensure that D:\test.exe.HuffmanCmp is existed.
      #include <iosteam>
      #include "Huffman.h"
      int main() {
          if(HuffmanCompression::DecompressFile("D:\\test.exe.HuffmanCmp", "D:\\test.exe")) {
              std::cout << "Successed!\n";
          } else {
              std::cout << "Failed!\n";
          return 0:
    • About how Huffman compression is implemented


3. DataVerification

  • CRC

4. Decoding

  • Base16/Base32/Base64