
SCSS boilerplate setup for responsive layouts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SCSS Boilerplate

Build Status Build status Greenkeeper badge

modular styling skeleton and compiling setup with gulp

Table of Contents:


Small (=All)

no MQ to use

progressive enhancement - load this for all clients


sreen and (min-width: 640px)

for all tablet devices


screen and (min-width: 1024px)

for the desktop view

The MQ mixin

@mixin mq($name) {
    @if( $mq == $name ) {


body {
    @include mq('desktop') { color: red; }
    @include mq('mobile') { color: red; }


@include mq('desktop') {
    body {
        color: red;



This is the order in wich they will be included into the _main.scss

html5 doctor css reset - http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet

Yes... This is the File were we put all variables
We could also put it in /_main.scss but i think configuration should be seperated from the code

Here are the functional definitions of the mixins and the functions

helpers like clearfix, border box model, and margin auto ...
These classes can be uses either as normal CSS-class or as an @extend argugment


_/mq/mobile.scss, _/mq/tablet.scss, _/mq/dektop.scss

The mobile file could also be named "all.scss" because it is loaded for every device
=> mobile first

These are the MQ-specific files. Each MQ in it's own file because of two reasons:

  • We need to set the context per $mq variable
    This variable is recognized by the mq() mixin used in _main.scss and /modules/*.scss
    See MQ-mixin

  • Because we have the MQ's in seperate files
    we can set the media queries directly in the <link>-Tag in our HTML header.
    This prevents that mobile devices have to load the full CSS code for all MQ
    ( WOW! very fast! such performance! )

<link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (min-width: 640px)" href="/css/tablet.css">  
<link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (min-width: 1024px)" href="/css/desktop.css">


  • try to use node-sass-chokidar with gulp-sass
  • Clean Documentation
  • split open and closed versions
  • extend the mixins
  • test/improve the ability for Backbone/Foundation Boilerplate implementation
  • update the doc (mq's changed ... import flow improved)
  • find solution for importflow (reset, shame, ...) maybe put it in all/mobile MQ
  • seperated files VS. full.scss