
Wpf diagram project - different connections line types (bezier/ orthogonal) / connection animation

Primary LanguageC#


new (branch:two)

wpf project: demonstrates different line-types (curve/orthoganal/straight) and animation options for connecting two nodes via a Path. animations based on https://github.com/ptddqr/wpf-echarts-map

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original (branch:master)

Wpf project that displays two nodes and the path that connects them via an orthogonal line (i.e one that is composed of at least two segments at a right angle).

The orthogonal line is calculated using vector maths whose explanation is included in the code.

The MVVM approach is lightely used.

This could be utlised in a flowchart-diagram based project.

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Issues include:

fixing the position of the connection tips to the node's center or a position on the node's boundary relative to it.

limiting the movement of nodes to the dimensions of the canvas.