
Custom Kasm dockerfiles. Instructions provided to add my 3rd party registry.

Primary LanguageShell

Custom Images for Kasm

Source files for my custom Kasm containers. Feel free to modify and customise. I have also enabled my own 3rd party Kasm Workspace Registry.


Each (working) application has a single-app and desktop version available for build. The single-app version is the one I push to dockerhub.

Read the Custom Images section from Kasm's documentation

git clone https://github.com/kasmtech/workspaces-images.git

cd workspaces-images

git clone https://github.com/DoubtfulTurnip/Custom_Images_Kasm.git

sudo docker build -t {application-name}:latest -f Custom_Image_Kasm/{application-name}/dockerfile_custom_{application-name}_{singleapp/desktopapp} .

Remove the workspace-images folder if no longer required and then configure your new Kasm Workspace with the {application-name}:latest image that you have just built.

Doubful Turnip Kasm Registry

For a simpler time just add the Doubtful Turnip registry to your Kasm instance. Kasm's documentation

Just add the DoubtfulTurnip 3rd party registry to your Kasm instance


Docker Hub

Find the application repository below and add this to the Workspace "Docker Image" field

Current projects in this repo