
Powershell to patch CVE-2020-0601 . Complete security rollup for Windows 10 1507-1909

MIT LicenseMIT

Just use this - https://github.com/aaronparker/LatestUpdate

Updates everything if ENTERPRISE or EDU Win 10. If PRO only 1809 , 1903 & 1909 are patched.


This powershell script can be ran on a system and will identify if a system is patched for CVE-2020-0601 "Curveball" and if not will then download the appropriate patch and execute. Only works for Windows 10 1507-1909 (If ENterprise or EDU, if PRO only 1809-1909), didn't include for arm based CPUs or embedded versions. Will update for Server 2016 later.

This is a cumualtive update so downloads all security related updates in one rollup.


There has been a write-up for two other options using Powershell -


GIST to pull CLU's based on version of windows running. Read comments section. May need updating https://gist.github.com/keithga/1ad0abd1f7ba6e2f8aff63d94ab03048