
Survival Analysis Framework

Primary LanguageR


Survival Analysis Framework

The purpose of this project is to start a framework to perform surfvival analysis, with 2 main target audiences:

  • researchers: providing a solid analysis tool with a complete set of filtering, algorithms and accuracy measures.
  • physicians: providing an intuitive tool that helps physicians understand survival analysis methods, benchmark survival probabilities with a choice of input data, and convey statistical concepts to their patients in plain language.


  • Survival_Veteran.Rmd: the Rmd document describes the whole process, with basic EDA, intuition about algorithms and first steps with the Kaplan Meier and Cox proportional hazard models. It also describes the plan for the shiny apps.

  • Survival_App.R: the Shiny App document that contains both ui and server functions.

There are plans for further developments, with possibility to archive more datasets, import own data, add more algorithms and filtering features, and a report download button.