
An esp8266/32 micropython based sensor platform for gpio, dht, analog, led and more. Includes remote updates for .py code from web server and MQTT/Homeassistant integration

Primary LanguagePython

micropython based sensors?

This repository is the result of an evolution through home automation and the ESP8266. I hope it is useful to someone. There are other platforms that do not require this level of effort (ESPHome or Tasmota) that can do a lot with little coding/effort. I did this because it's a hobby and fun, not because it was easier. It will always be a work in progress.


The main design includes:

  • Updates to .py modules using Http (Homeassistant has a web server built in that I use)
  • Basic sensor types predefined that are auto-discoverable by Homeassistant through MQTT)
  • Modular design to extend sensors to include motor controls or other custom devices
  • Lots of examples of actual sensors/devices I use for curtains, leds, weight, temperature, etc.

overview image

** Disclaimer: This code is for learning purposes only. Use at your own risk.

Components (uController)


The bootloader is a stripped down version of the httpclient code and includes some basic setup to allow for the initial pull of files from the webserver. Using rshell and a script, you can take a new ESP8266 nodemcu, flash it and reinstall files with a single command (assuming the web server has the config file ready)


Primary purpose is to decide whether to run the "updater" code or start the node. This is done based on RTC values (set before reboot) or the state of the configuration


This file contains what you would expect and is imported by "config". MQTT server/creds and topics. Wifi name/password is never re-entered and only setup during bootloader run. TODO: item might be to add wifi name/pwd change support.

# secrets.py

def version():
    return "vv"

mqttuser = "username"
mqttpass = "pwd"
mqttserver = "192.168.x.x"
custom_topics = ("global/set","global/heartbeat")
hasstopic = "homeassistant"
code_url = "http://nn.nn.nn.nn:80/local/code/"


Config contains some core functions to maintain the RTC (bootflags) and import other modules based on version #. Versioning is done by appending a version number to the name of each .py file (ie. name0.py or name20.py). As new versions are updated on the web server, they are copied by the updater script and then loaded according to the <macaddr> or <macaddr>.alt file that is saved on the uController.

<macaddr> (aka node config file)

Two files stored (in json format) the names and versions for the node to use. The primary is named simply as the MacAddress of the node. The secondary is the same but with .alt appended. During an update, the primary is moved to .alt and the new primary created based on what was downloaded from the server.

If an update fails, the secondary is loaded (which should just restart the node with the old versions).

The node name itself is stored in this file, which is used to start the nodenameNN.py accordingly. See the format of this file below in the web components section.

nodenameNN.py (node script)

Each node has a unique main script that loads everything else (mostly). The general format is shown below:

import sensors,hassmqtt,mymodules

# define sensors

#instantiate HassMqtt to connect to MQTT
hass = HassMqtt(xxx)

# main looping
def main():
    while True:
        # your non-blocking code here


Technically, the node script should never end. If it does, the config.importer() will reboot the controller.


This module loads all other sensors as needed (based on what is in the node config file). It was originally one big file that became impossible to import. Each sensor class is now a separate file with some grouping if it makes sense (like gpiobase). This also helps save memory for sensors that need more user space memory.

Currently defined:

  • gpiobase - includes Analog (ADC), Input (GPIO input) and Switch (GPIO output)
  • Value - Any type of value: int, float, str, bool, tuple
  • Light - Homeassistant light device (requires led.py or equiv.)
  • Dht - support for dht11 or dht22 temp/humidity
  • Ina219 - I2C based Current sensor
  • Bootflags - Access to RTC values
  • Stats - systems stats (wifi signal, mem_free and uptime)

sensors is the basis for creating sensors in your nodenameNN.py. They must be created before instantiating the HassMqtt Class. This is because HassMqtt uses the list of sensors to connect to MQTT, subscribe and publish. It is theoretically possible to add to the list and force a "reconnect", but not tested and could result in churn on the Homeassistant side.

The only bundled sensors are the Bootflags and system (Stats) which are optional if memory is a concern. To update remotely, though, you have to instantiate the "Bootflags" sensor in your node script. The system stats are really optional.


This module handles the Class for mqtt related information for each sensor defined in "sensors". A list (dictionary) is created that is used for handling subscribing, publishing and updating.


This module maintains communication to the MQTT server, updating sensors when incoming messages arrive and publishing updates as things change on sensors (either timer based or interrupt).

Connect() - initial setup of sensors based on the "list" of sensors. This also does auto-configuration through Homeassistant's discovery for mqtt sensors and subscribes to topics as needed. This is done automatically when you instantiate HassMqtt and is not called directly.

Publish() - As sensors indicate they have changed, messages related to state are published so that Homeassistant can see them. This is called via the Spin() method below and not directly.

Spin() - This is a maintainer method that has to be in a looping regular call in your "main()" function. If this is not called regularly, MQTT will timeout and cause reconnects or lost data.


This is the module that maintains the files in flash according to the node config file it downloads from the web server. I use Homeassistant's web server since it's already there and FTP files to it as needed.

When an update RTC flag is set, it downloads two files from the web server: <macaddr>.config and latestversions. Between these two files, it builds a dictionary of files, compares it to the current config and downloads anything new, building a new node config file (<macaddr>) described above. If any errors occur during an update, the node config file is not touched and RTC flags are set so that once restarted, you can see the results in Homeassistant.

Web Server Components

The only file needed to configure a node is the one named using the MacAddress. This can reference all the files needed. To make updating core files easier, use the "latestversions" to set global versions for files (see example below)


The node config file is json formatted with the node name and files it should use. It looks like this:


In the example above, the node is named "mysensor" which is what you will see in Homeassistant and there are two files it will use, one is the main user node script named "mysensor". Updater will expect to find "mysensor5.py" on the web server by appending the version to the name and adding ".py". The "sensors" file shown above uses "latest" which will look in the "latestversions" file (see below) for the version to use. By using "latest" for most of the files, you can update the latestversions and push an update out to all your sensors (Yay!).


This file is also json formatted and is a list of more file names and versions that are used to replace "latest" in the node config file. One important note is the use of "!" as "config" does in the example below.


Here, config is at version "5" but config is a special script that is loaded using the stock "import" and not "config.importer()" (Why!?! because how could it load itself?). The "!" exclamation tells updater to copy config5.py from the web server and save it as "config.py" on the uController.

Use "!" CAREFULLY - There is no undo...

I use this only for files that need it or for some basic utilities that rarely need updating.