
Custom Email and Password authentification & store user data to the MongoDB (database)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Authentication: Custom Email/Password with NextAuth.js & MongoDB 🔒

Screenshots 📸

Sign Up & Login

signup form screenshot signup form screenshot

Error When same Email address already registered in the database ❌

signup form screenshot signup form screenshot

Error When trying to login with invalid credentials ❌

login form screenshot login form screenshot

successful login ✅

welcome dashboard screenshot

MongoDB Collections 💽

mongodb entry screenshot

Setup ✴️

  • Clone the repository using https://github.com/Douglas254/authapp.git or download and extract the zip file.
  • Open up the cloned folder in your preferred text editor. Open up a terminal within your workspace and navigate into the /authapp folder
  • Within that folder, run npm install which will install all dependencies for you then run npm run dev to run the development server on http://localhost:3000/ 💥

Deployment ~ Vercel 🌍

View hosted site here

Authors 🖊️

This project was contributed to by:

License 📄

The project is licensed under MIT