
Quickly and easily test your JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quickly and easily test your JS. Supports node.js and all the major browsers.

But how do I use it?

TestIt('Math', {
  'should be defined': function(t){
  '.floor': {
    'should round 1.6 to 1': function(t){
      t.assertEqual(1, Math.floor(1.6));
    'should round -1.6 to -2': function(t){
      t.assertEqual(-2, Math.floor(-1.6));

And if you are testing in node.js install with npm test_it and require it var TestIt = require('test_it'); and you'll be good to go.


There are currently 2 assertions:

  • t.assert(bool, [message]) # message defaults to: bool+" is not true"
  • t.assertEqual(expected, actual, [message]) # message defaults to: "expected "+TestIt.inspect(expected)+" but was "+T.inspect(actual)

It should be easy enough to add new assertions: TestIt.Assertions.prototype.assertZero = function(val, message){ this.length++; // Increment the number of assertions run for this test. if (val !== 0){ if (message === undefined){ message = TestIt.inspect(val)+" is not 0"; } throw new TestIt.Assertions.Failure(message); } }


You may have noticed TestIt.inspect in the previous example. It is one of the helpers that TestIt uses, and is available for consumption or modification. Here are the helpers and their uses:

  • T.isEqual(expected, actual) returns true if the two objects are equal. This is used by the t.assertEqual assertion and relies heavily on T.inspect.
  • T.inspect(subject) returns a string that represents the subject.
  • T.waitFor(condition, callback) calls callback once the condition function returns true. t.waitFor is nearly the same, but further steps in the testing process will not get called until the t.waitFor has completed. The waitFor functions will pass the milliseconds elapsed to the condition function, as this is handy for timing-out the condition.

'before all', 'before each', 'after each', 'after all'

If these are defined in your tests, as such: TestIt('my tests', { 'before all': function(t){ ... }, 'after all': function(t){ ... }, 'a test': function(t){ ... } }); they should get run before all, after all, ... tests. If an exception (or failure) occurs in a test, the 'after each', and 'after all' functions will still get called.

What else can it do?

Custom callback

If you want more than the minimal reporting that TestIt provides by default, feel free to use your own. You can create a callback like such: MyReporter = function(testName, status, assertionCount, message) { ... and expect it to get called like this: MyReporter(['my tests'], 'running', 0); // You'll see this if there is a waitFor in 'before all', 'before each', ... MyReporter(['my tests'], 'done', 1); // This will let you know that the waitFor has completed. MyReporter(['my tests', 'a test'], 'pass', 2); MyReporter(['my tests', 'running test'], 'running', 1); // You can expect 'running' tests to get reported again with either 'pass', 'fail', or 'error'. MyReporter(['my tests', 'failing tests'], 'fail', 1, 'expected 1 but was 0'); MyReporter(['my tests', 'running test'], 'pass', 2);

Then you can use your reporter like so: TestIt('my tests', { ... }, myReporter);


Extensions provide a way for you to extend your tests with additional functionality. SubmitFormExtension = { 'before each': function(t){ t.submit = function(form, options){ for(var name in options){ jQuery(form, name).val(options[name]); } form.submit(); } } }; TestIt('test the forms': { 'the tests': ... }, SubmitFormExtension, myReporter);

A few notes

  1. Extensions work about the same as nesting the tests in a new context.
  2. The t variable is a new object each test; so if you are modifying it, make sure you do so before each test.
  3. The t variable is a new object in 'before all' and 'after all', so I wouldn't plan on modifying it there.

Existing Extensions

  • MockIt - A mocking framework for TestIt

Now what?

Get testing, create extensions, and give me feedback. I'm always looking for ways to improve TestIt, as long as it still makes it easy to test your JS.