
Economy 1 - Production, Investment, Creeping

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Some sort of economy system, details TBC.


  • Slider to control "spending vs investment"
  • "Creeping" on the map to gain "bonuses"
  • More spending = faster rate of production

An initial design:

  • Start with income 1 j/s
  • Ships always cost C j
  • Income is split between production and investment. User chooses P% for production, investment is then (100-P)%.
  • Production spending fills up a "production account", when it contains enough to produce a ship, it is spawned. If a production hold is on, ships do not spawn until it is lifted.
  • Investment is put into a queue, so that at time t+D it pays off. When an investment pays off, it increases income by moving along an investment efficiency curve E : j => j/s.
  • Destroying a neutral unit gives you a bounty of, B j.
  • Neutral units respawn in groups with an interarrival distribution A after the last one is destroyed.