
build a sentence api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Express Backend


This is the backend of the PERN Stack application. It is built using Express and provides the API endpoints for fetching word types, words, and submitting sentences.

Node.js CI/CD


  1. Clone the repository. git clone ...
  2. Navigate to the backend directory. cd backend
  3. Run the following command to install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Update the database connection configuration in the .env file.
PORT                =   <serverPort eg.5000>
POSTGRES_HOST       =   <dependingOnEnvironment eg.localhost>
POSTGRES_USER       =   <postgresUsername>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD   =   <postgresUserPassword>
POSTGRES_PORT       =   <standardDBPort = 5432>
POSTGRES_DB         =   <postgresDatabaseName>
  1. Start the backend server with the following command: npm run dev or npm start
  2. The server will run on http://localhost:5000.

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/v1/wordtypes: Retrieves the list of word types.
  • GET /api/v1/${selectedType}: Retrieves words of a specific type.
  • GET /api/v1/sentences: Retrieves all previously submitted sentences.
  • POST /api/v1/sentences: Submits a new sentence.


  • Express
  • Cors
  • pg (PostgreSQL client)
  • dotenv (for environment variables)

Database (PostgreSQL)


This is the PostgreSQL database used for storing word types, words, and submitted sentences.


  1. Install PostgreSQL on your system if not already installed.
  2. Create a new database for the application.
  3. Update the database connection configuration in the .env file of the backend.
  4. In my case, I have used the official postgres docker image to run in a container
 docker run --name <nameOfTheContainer> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<databaseUserPassword> -p 5432:5432 -d postgres`
  1. To stop the container: docker stop <nameOfTheContainer>
  2. To start the container: docker start <nameOfTheContainer>

Database Schema

The database schema consists of the following tables: see the database.sql file

Sample Data

You can use the following SQL statements to insert sample data into the tables: see the database.sql file

Stretch Goals

  1. Implement Express Router, server.js file is becoming bloated
  2. Add PUT, DELETE sentences routes to complete CRUD operations