Same Base Code with Library Project, DI and Services use in different Container to build Desktop, Web and Console Application
Console OutPut
11/03/2024 05:48:37 |LOG|11/03/2024 05:48:37 |LOG|Tenant Id-{3} added!
11/03/2024 05:48:37 |INFO|11/03/2024 05:48:37 |INFO|contract {13} created!
<<<<<<< All Rent Facture >>>>>>>
----- Rent:10 -----
|ID | 5 | |RentID | 10 | |Ref | FACT_2020-1__c0af1e1c-8| |Name | Facturation du vendredi 31 janvier 2020| |Start Date | 01/01/2020| |End Date | 31/01/2020| |Total | 889,0|
----- Rent:11 -----
| ID | 6 ||
| RentID | 11 |
| Ref | FACT_2020-1__d44a3d06-1 | | Name | Facturation du vendredi 31 janvier 2020 | | Start Date | 01/01/2020 | | End Date | 31/01/2020 | | Total | 889,0 |
----- Rent:12 -----
|ID | 7 | |RentID | 12 | |Ref | FACT_2024-2__5f5f731c-2| |Name | Facturation du dimanche 11 février 2024| |Start Date | 01/02/2024| |End Date | 11/02/2024| |Total | 889,0|
|ID | 8 |
|RentID | 12 |
|Ref | FACT_2024-3__f7e835ab-1|
|Name | Faturation du lundi 11 mars 2024|
|Start Date | 01/03/2024|
|End Date | 11/03/2024|
|Total | 889,0|
----- Rent:13 -----
|ID | 9 |
|RentID | 13 | |Ref | FACT_2024-2__966c8b09-2| |Name | Facturation du dimanche 11 février 2024| |Start Date | 01/02/2024| |End Date | 11/02/2024| |Total | 889|
|ID | 10 |
|RentID | 13 |
|Ref | FACT_2024-3__5508b55d-9|
|Name | Facturation du lundi 11 mars 2024|
|Start Date | 01/03/2024|
|End Date | 11/03/2024|
|Total | 889|
<<<<<<< End >>>>>>>