this project is a frontend App for themoviedb website hosting in
By default, i use discovery request to find all TV or Movie content and apply a search, sort, paginate module in it.
there is a search mode, which use MultiSearch EndPoint to find all Movie and TV content
sorting in not allowed by API in Search Mode.
Api is limited to Maximum 500 pages results.
there is a Detail Mode, to find out more of single content with some couple detail.
In case if search Word is empty we set discovery mode TV by default.
in deiscovery mode we can't have both TV and movie content in same time, this is why I choice select TV content by default.
pagination module is base Page result, it apply dynamically paginate when page content updating.
handle query params and it set page to 1 before search.
We have some BaseComponents
List : to display all Results with image and name.
Sort : Sorting popularity desc or asc and handle QueryParams
http://localhost:3000/desc -
Paginate : base on the returned, result return range to paginate and handle currentposition Change.
Search : text input with debouce to fire changeEnvent and updata content.
we have Layout And Page Contents.
- we have some Layouting systems as component to organise display area, in this project i use V5layout.
- SeachPage: Compose multiple component to make search page, with Using Fetching Service to get data.
- DetailPage: to display view of a single component.
- useDeouceHook. it is a hook to handle delay and word distinction before fire event, Base on Rxjs.
FilmService handle data fetching by Category and serching query.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\
Builds the app for production to the build