
iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Hex.pm Hex.pm Deps Status


HTTP2-compliant wrapper for sending iOS and Android push notifications.


Note: Pigeon's API will likely change until v1.0

Add pigeon and chatterbox as mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:pigeon, "~> 0.9.0"},
    {:chatterbox, github: "joedevivo/chatterbox"}

After running mix deps.get, configure mix.exs to start the application automatically.

def application do
  [applications: [:pigeon]]

GCM (Android)


  1. Set your environment variables.
config :pigeon, 
  gcm_key: "your_gcm_key_here"
  1. Create a notification packet.
msg = %{ "body" => "your message" }
n = Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new("your device registration ID", msg)
  1. Send the packet.

Sending to Multiple Registration IDs

Pass in a list of registration IDs, as many as you want. IDs will automatically be chunked into sets of 1000 before sending the push (as per GCM guidelines).

msg = %{ "body" => "your message" }
n = Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new(["first ID", "second ID"], msg)

Notification Struct

When using Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new/2, message_id and updated_registration will always be nil. These keys are set in the response callback. registration_id can either be a single string or a list of strings.

    payload: %{},
    message_id: nil,
    registration_id: nil,
    updated_registration_id: nil

Notifications with Custom Data

GCM accepts both notification and data keys in its JSON payload. Set them like so:

  notification = %{ "body" => "your message" }
  data = %{ "key" => "value" }
  Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new("registration ID", notification, data)


  	Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new("registration ID")
  	|> put_notification(%{ "body" => "your message" })
  	|> put_data(%{ "key" => "value" })

APNS (Apple iOS)


  1. Set your environment variables. See below for setting up your certificate and key.
config :pigeon, 
  apns_mode: :dev,
  apns_cert: "cert.pem",
  apns_key: "key_unencrypted.pem"
  apns_2197: true (optional)

apns_cert and apns_key can either be a static file path, full-text string of the file contents (for environment variables), or a tuple like {:my_app, "certs/cert.pem"}, which will use a path relative to the priv folder of the given application.

  1. Create a notification packet. Note: Your push topic is generally the app's bundle identifier.
n = Pigeon.APNS.Notification.new("your message", "your device token", "your push topic (optional)")
  1. Send the packet.

Notification Struct

The contents of payload is what will be received on the iOS device. If updating this field directly, use strings for your keys. It is recommended to use the convenience functions defined in Notifications with Custom Data. expiration is a UNIX epoch date in seconds (UTC). Passing a value of 0 expires the notification immediately and Apple will not attempt to redeliver it.

    id: nil,
    device_token: nil,
    topic: nil,
    expiration: nil,
    payload: nil

Generating Your Certificate and Key .pem

  1. In Keychain Access, right-click your push certificate and select "Export..."

  2. Export the certificate as cert.p12

  3. Click the dropdown arrow next to the certificate, right-click the private key and select "Export..."

  4. Export the private key as key.p12

  5. From a shell, convert the certificate.

    openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem -in cert.p12
  6. Convert the key. Be sure to set a password here. You will need that password in order to remove it in the next step.

    openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out key.pem -in key.p12
  7. Remove the password from the key.

    openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key_unencrypted.pem
  8. cert.pem and key_unencrypted.pem can now be used as the cert and key in Pigeon.push, respectively. Set them in your config.exs

Notifications with Custom Data

Notifications can contain additional information in payload. (e.g. setting badge counters or defining custom sounds)

import Pigeon.APNS.Notification
n = Pigeon.APNS.Notification.new("your message", "your device token", "your push topic")
|> put_badge(5)
|> put_sound("default")
|> put_content_available
|> put_mutable_content
|> put_category("category")

Using a more complex alert dictionary?

|> put_alert(%{
  "title" => "alert title",
  "body" => "alert body"

Define custom payload data like so:

|> put_custom(%{"your-custom-key" => %{
    "custom-value" => 500

ADM (Amazon Android)


  1. Set your environment variables.
config :pigeon,
  adm_client_id: "your_oauth2_client_id_here",
  adm_client_secret: "your_oauth2_client_secret_here"
  1. Create a notification packet.
msg = %{ "body" => "your message" }
n = Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("your device registration ID", msg)
  1. Send the packet.

Handling Push Responses


  1. Pass an optional anonymous function as your second parameter. This function will get called on each registration ID assuming some of them were successful.
data = %{ message: "your message" }
n = Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new(data, "device registration ID")
Pigeon.GCM.push(n, fn(x) -> IO.inspect(x) end)
  1. Reponses return a tuple of either {:ok, notification} or {:error, reason, notification}. You could handle responses like so:
on_response = fn(x) ->
  case x do
    {:ok, notification} ->
      # Push successful, check to see if the registration ID changed
      if !is_nil(notification.updated_registration_id) do
        # Update the registration ID in the database
    {:error, :invalid_registration, notification} ->
      # Remove the bad ID from the database
    {:error, reason, notification} ->
      # Handle other errors

data = %{ message: "your message" }
n = Pigeon.GCM.Notification.new(data, "your device token")
Pigeon.GCM.push(n, on_response)

Notification structs returned as {:ok, notification} will always contain exactly one registration ID for the registration_id key.

For {:error, reason, notification} tuples, this key can be one or many IDs depending on the error. :invalid_registration will return exactly one, whereas :authentication_error and :internal_server_error will return up to 1000 IDs (and the callback called for each failed 1000-chunked request).

Error Responses

Slightly modified from GCM Server Reference

Reason Description
:missing_registration Missing Registration Token
:invalid_registration Invalid Registration Token
:not_registered Unregistered Device
:invalid_package_name Invalid Package Name
:authentication_error Authentication Error
:mismatch_sender_id Mismatched Sender
:invalid_jSON Invalid JSON
:message_too_big Message Too Big
:invalid_data_key Invalid Data Key
:invalid_ttl Invalid Time to Live
:unavailable Timeout
:internal_server_error Internal Server Error
:device_message_rate_exceeded Message Rate Exceeded
:topics_message_rate_exceeded Topics Message Rate Exceeded
:unknown_error Unknown Error


  1. Pass an optional anonymous function as your second parameter.
n = Pigeon.APNS.Notification.new("your message", "your device token", "your push topic")
Pigeon.APNS.push(n, fn(x) -> IO.inspect(x) end)
  1. Responses return a tuple of either {:ok, notification} or {:error, reason, notification}. You could handle responses like so:
on_response = fn(x) ->
  case x do
    {:ok, notification} ->
      Logger.debug "Push successful!"
    {:error, :bad_device_token, notification} ->
      Logger.error "Bad device token!"
    {:error, reason, notification} ->
      Logger.error "Some other error happened."

n = Pigeon.APNS.Notification.new("your message", "your device token", "your push topic")
Pigeon.APNS.push(n, on_response)

Error Responses

Taken from APNS Provider API

Reason Description
:payload_empty The message payload was empty.
:payload_too_large The message payload was too large. The maximum payload size is 4096 bytes.
:bad_topic The apns-topic was invalid.
:topic_disallowed Pushing to this topic is not allowed.
:bad_message_id The apns-id value is bad.
:bad_expiration_date The apns-expiration value is bad.
:bad_priority The apns-priority value is bad.
:missing_device_token The device token is not specified in the request :path. Verify that the :path header contains the device token.
:bad_device_token The specified device token was bad. Verify that the request contains a valid token and that the token matches the environment.
:device_token_not_for_topic The device token does not match the specified topic.
:unregistered The device token is inactive for the specified topic.
:duplicate_headers One or more headers were repeated.
:bad_certificate_environment The client certificate was for the wrong environment.
:bad_certificate The certificate was bad.
:forbidden The specified action is not allowed.
:bad_path The request contained a bad :path value.
:method_not_allowed The specified :method was not POST.
:too_many_requests Too many requests were made consecutively to the same device token.
:idle_timeout Idle time out.
:shutdown The server is shutting down.
:internal_server_error An internal server error occurred.
:service_unavailable The service is unavailable.
:missing_topic The apns-topic header of the request was not specified and was required. The apns-topic header is mandatory when the client is connected using a certificate that supports multiple topics.


  1. Pass an optional anonymous function as your second parameter.
data = %{ message: "your message" }
n = Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("device registration ID", data)
Pigeon.ADM.push(n, fn(x) -> IO.inspect(x) end)
  1. Reponses return a tuple of either {:ok, notification} or {:error, reason, notification}. You could handle responses like so:
on_response = fn(x) ->
  case x do
    {:ok, notification} ->
      # Push successful, check to see if the registration ID changed
      if !is_nil(notification.updated_registration_id) do
        # Update the registration ID in the database
    {:error, :invalid_registration_id, notification} ->
      # Remove the bad ID from the database
    {:error, reason, notification} ->
      # Handle other errors

data = %{ message: "your message" }
n = Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("your registration id", data)
Pigeon.ADM.push(n, on_response)

Error Responses

Taken from Amazon Device Messaging docs

Reason Description
:invalid_registration_id Invalid Registration Token
:invalid_data Bad format JSON data
:invalid_consolidation_key Invalid Consolidation Key
:invalid_expiration Invalid expiresAfter value
:invalid_checksum Invalid md5 value
:invalid_type Invalid Type header
:unregistered App instance no longer available
:access_token_expired Expired OAuth access token
:message_too_large Data size exceeds 6 KB
:max_rate_exceeded See Retry-After response header
:unknown_error Unknown Error