
Original programs of the book "BASIC Computer Games"

Primary LanguageBASIC

Basic Computer Games

Original programs of the book "BASIC Computer Games"

This is an unofficial mirror of the source code provided inside the book "Basic Computer Games", aka "101 BASIC Computer Games", by David H. Ahl, published in 1978.

The games are meant to run with Vintage BASIC, but if you are able to use them with other interpreters be my guest. Having Caps-Lock on is advisable, as the games were designed to work with capital letters.


I wasn't the one who compiled this repository, I'm just mirroring it. Here's the origin: http://vintage-basic.net/games.html

Hard to emulate

  • 3dplot - def fn
  • banner - no array declaration, loop mess
  • basketball - missing array declaration
  • blackjack - def fn
  • bounce - no input verification, array out of bounds
  • bullfight - def fn
  • bullseye - input array
  • bunny - set tab at desired position
  • calendar - mess in the output
  • checkers - complex logical expression
  • digits - input array
  • flipflop - some computation error
  • ftball - input array
  • furtrader - input array
  • hexapawn - def fn
  • highiq - absolute tab
  • horserace - input array
  • lem - float literal with exponent
  • life - input array
  • lifefortwo - input array
  • lunar - float literal with exponent
  • nim - input array
  • number - def fn
  • pizza - input array
  • poetry - uninitialized var
  • poker - def fn
  • roulette - multiple string input
  • salvo - def fn
  • stockmarket - input array
  • superstartrek - def fn
  • tictactoe1 - def fn
  • weekday - def fn