GitHub Profile Search

GitHub user search allows to search for gitHub profiles by username.

Getting started:

  • Run git clone in your chosen directory.
  • Run npm install to install dependancies.


  • Navigate to main project folder and run open public/index.html in the command line, project will open in the default browser automatically.
  • Project is deployed at

Running tests:

  • For testing with karma, navigate to the main project folder and run karma start test/karma.conf.js

  • To run protractor test boot the following: webdriver-manager start http-server

While both above are running in the separate command line tabs, enter below to start protractor test: protractor test/e2e/conf.js

Frameworks, utilities and libraries used:

  • AngularJS
  • Bower package manager
  • Jasmine testing framework
  • Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine
  • PhantomJS headless browser
  • Protractor
  • GitHub API