
Perl Module implementing MailChimp API 3.0

Primary LanguagePerl

MailChimp 3.0 version 0.01

This is the initial implentation of the MailChimp API version 3.0 in Perl.

It's pretty basic, but allows you to create a campaign, fill it with content, and sent it to a list. It expects templates and lists to have already been created on MailChimp.

Instead of using somethinbg big and heavy to implement, like Plack or Moose, this module is built using Perl Curl.


To install this module type the following:

perl Makefile.PL make make test make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  local::lib; # sets up a local lib at ~/perl5

local::lib allows implementation on Reclaim and probably not otherwise needed, and if it breaks your implementation you can comment it out.

Digest::MD5 is needed to add emails to the mailing lint, but since I haven't implemented that, is isn't required either.

=head1 NAME

MailChimp - Interface for MailChimp API 3.0

See https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/api/


use MailChimp;

my $account = MailChimp->new({
		username => 'username email',
		datacenter => 'us18',
		version => '3.0',
		url => 'api.mailchimp.com',
		apikey => 'apikey'

$account->campaigns();      # List campaigns, etc

my $listid = "375520a149";  # Can also be defined using API but I haven't built that in yet
my $template_id = 69461;

	my $campaign = MailChimp::Campaigns->new({
		account => $account,
		type => 'regular',
		recipients => {
		    list_id => $listid
		settings => {
		    subject_line => 'Test',
		    preview_text => 'Text',
		    title => '',
		    from_name => 'moi',
		    reply_to => $account->{username},
		    to_name => "",
		    folder_id => "",
		    auto_fb_post => [],
		    template_id => $template_id
		content_type => 'template'
	$campaign->create();    # I prefer to keep this as an extra step 

	print $campaign->to_string();

		html => "Some test HTML content",
		plain_text => "Some test text content"



Implements a basic campaign creation and send topredefined email list in MailChimp. Created by Stephen Downes to support the gRSShopper project.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Stephen Downes stephen@downes.ca


Copyright (C) 2021 by Stephen Downes

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
