Bitcoin Alert App.

This App is built using Electron.js for Learning purpose

  • Application on Launch fetches current BTC value in USD and displays on the screen
  • The BTC value of USD is refreshed by fetching the API response every 30 seconds
  • User can click on Notify button which will launch a child window
  • User can set a target in the Child window and click on Update
  • Application triggers a system notification whenever the BTC value of USD rises above the target given by the user in coming fetches.

Originally planned to display and set a target for BTC value of INR (Indian National Rupees) but the API provides exact value for USD and EUR. Thus changed to USD

App UI Application UI

Click On Notify Click on Notify

Enter Target Value Enter Target Value

You can See Target Value Updated on Main Window Target Value Updated

Alert Triggered once The Balue raises above target Alert

This Application is created for learning purpose and reference of different resources is made to learn the concepts that are required to build this.