
Primary LanguageHTML


Parkflow is an innovative application dedicated to reducing traffic in cities through the use of intelligent parking sensors. Through this application, users receive real-time information about available parking spaces and can efficiently plan their routes to reach their destination quickly.

With the help of advanced parking sensor technology, Parkflow constantly monitors parking spaces and sends updated information about them to users. Through the interactive map, users can instantly view available parking spaces near them, eliminating the need to repeatedly search for an available spot.

What it can do?

We offer a comprehensive parking management service with modern and user-friendly features. Through our mobile application, you will have access to the following functionalities:

  • Parking space reservation: You can reserve a parking space in advance, ensuring that you will have a spot available at your desired location. This will save you valuable time and provide you with the certainty that you will find the desired parking space.
  • Interactive map: You will be able to view on the map the exact location where you can park. Through this feature, you can quickly and easily identify available parking spaces in the desired area. This will allow you to find the most convenient parking spot.
  • Parking payment: Through our application or platform, you will be able to pay for parking in a simple and fast way. You will no longer need to search for coins or worry about illegal parking. You will be able to make secure and convenient payments directly from your phone.
  • Parking time monitoring: You will have the ability to view how much time you have remaining for the parking space you've paid for. This aspect will help you manage your time more efficiently and avoid any penalties for exceeding the parking duration.

In conclusion, through our service, you will experience an easier and more convenient parking management. You will be able to reserve spots in advance, quickly find parking spaces, make hassle-free payments, and monitor the time spent in your chosen parking spot.


  • React native (frontend)
  • Spring si PostgreSQL (backend)


The hardware component of the Parkflow system is divided into two main parts: sensors and hubs.

The sensors are devices installed on each parking space, which monitor in real-time whether the space is occupied or available. These sensors are connected to hubs through the LoRa (Low-Power Wide-Area Network) communication protocol.

The hubs serve as central points of connection and communication within the Parkflow system. They collect information from multiple sensors and facilitate communication between them and the central server. The hubs are strategically placed in various locations and have multiple functionalities.

Here are some key features of Parkflow hubs:

  • Sensor connectivity: Hubs allow for the connection and management of a large number of sensors in a given area. This means they can simultaneously monitor multiple parking spaces, providing updated information about their availability.
  • Communication with the central server: Hubs facilitate bidirectional communication between sensors and the central server of the Parkflow system. This enables the transfer of real-time data, such as updates on parking space availability and payment information.
  • Cash payment option: Hubs offer users the option to pay for parking with cash. This allows them to choose traditional payment methods, eliminating the need for a payment card or electronic device.