
compiler-design-laboratory-1-ansh441 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC

Open in Visual Studio Code

Anshika Misra

(Reg. No. 2019UGCS052R)

Compiler Design Lab Work :-


Program 1: Link

Lex program to recognize if digit or letter.

        Sample Input : abc      
        Sample Output : letters
        Sample Input : 123
        Sample Output : digit(s)


Program 1: Link

Lex program to check if digit or not.

        Sample Input : 1               
        Sample Output: This is a digit
        Sample Input : ab
        Sample Output :This is not a digit

Program 2: Link

Lex program to recognize whether string contains only letters or not.

        Sample Input: abc
        Sample Output: This contains alphabets
        Sample Input : 12
        Sample Output : this has other characters

Program 3: Link

Lex program to recognize whether string contains uppercase, lowercase or both.

        Sample Input: abc
        Sample Output: This is a lowercase letters
        Sample Input : ABC
        Sample Output: This is a uppercase letters
        Sample Input : aBcD
        Sample Output : It has both cases


Program 1: Link

Lex program to recognize vowels or consonants.

        Sample Input: aeo
        Sample Output: Contains only vowels
        Sample Input : abcd
        Sample Output : contains both vowels and consonants
        Sample Input : bfg
        Sample Output : Contains only consonants

Program 2: Link

Lex program to count number of characters in a string.

        Sample Input : hello 52
        Sample Output : 8 

Program 3: Link

Lex program to count the composition of the string (vowels, consonants, digits & spaces)

        Sample Input : $hAppy bIrthday $ 50@
        Sample Output : Number of Vowels: 3
                        Number of Consonants: 10
                        Number of digits: 2
                        Number of space: 3
                        Number of other characters: 3


Program 1: Link

Lex program to verify valid keyword or not.

        Sample Input: else
        Sample Output : else is the keyword

        Sample Input : him
        Sample Output: him is not a keyword

        Sample Input : not
        Sample Output : not is not a keyword

        Sample Input : while
        Sample Output : while is the keyword

Program 2: Link

Lex program to verify valid identifier.

        Sample Input: sum
        Sample Output: sum is a valid identifier 

        Sample Input: 12
        Sample Output: 12 is an invalid identifier
        Sample Input : float
        Sample Output : float  is an invalid identifier
        Sample Input : FLOA
        Sample Output : FLOAT is valid identifier
        Sample Input : a1_b
        Sample Output : a1_b is an invalid identifier

Program 3: Link

Lex program to determine input operators whether arithmetic or logical.

         Sample Input: +
         Sample Output :+ is a valid arithmetic operator

         Sample Input : ||
         Sample Output: || is a valid logical operator

         Sample Input : @
         Sample Output: @ is not a valid operator

Program 4: Link

Lex program to recognize basic operators (PLUS(+), MINUS(-), GE(>=), LE(<=) ).

        Sample Input: >=
        Sample Output: Greater or equal to operator

        Sample Input: <=
        Sample Output: Lesser or equal to operator

        Sample Input: +
        Sample Output: PLUS operator.

        Sample Input: -
        Sample Output: MINUS operator

        Sample Input: &
        Sample Output: invalid operator!

Program 5: Link

Lex program to recognize float and int data types.

        Sample Input: 58
        Sample Output: 58 is an int value

        Sample Input: 6.63
        Sample Output: 6.63 is a float value

        Sample Input: a
        Sample Output: a is Invalid 


Program 1: Link

Lex program to count the number of lexemes.

        Sample Input: int a=5
        Sample Output: count=4

        Sample Input: float d=3.15
        Sample Output: count=4

        Sample Input: int sum=a+b;
        Sample Output: count=7

Program 2: Link

Lex Program to count the number of identifier,lexemes,keywords,integers,fractions,and operators in the input.

        Sample Input: float sum =5.3+4;
        Sample Output:  count of lexemes=7
                        count of keywords=1
                        count of identifiers=1
                        count of integers=1
                        count of fractions=1
                        count of operators=3

Program 3: Link

Lex program to check for valid url.

      Sample Input: https://www.google.com
      Sample Output: Valid URL

      Sample Input: http://www/giraffe.co.in
      Sample Output:Invalid URL

      Sample Input: http://www.happy.net
      Sample Output:Valid URL


Program 1: Link

Lex program to check for valid mobile number (India).

        Sample Input: +918234556767
        Sample Output: Valid Number

        Sample Input: +918654345545
        Sample Output: Valid Number

        Sample Input: +9122222222222
        Sample Output: Invalid Number

Program 2: Link

Lex program to check for valid email.

        Sample Input: giraffe@gmail.com
        Sample Output: Invalid email

        Sample Input: happy3@gmail.com
        Sample Output: Valid email

        Sample Input:wellwisher44_4@gmail.com
        Sample Output:Invalid email

Program 3: Link

Lex program to count the number of characters in an input file.

       Sample file:inpfile.txt
       Sample Input:hello World
                    hello world;
                    hola world! 
       Sample Output:35


Program 1: Link

Lex program to count the total number of characters, white spaces, tabs and new lines in the given input file.

        Sample File:input.txt
        Sample Input:hello world
                     @.....  @.....
                     q    q

        Sample Output:
                        Line count: 4
                        Whitespaces count: 3
                        Tabs count: 1
                        Characters count: 24

Program 2: Link

Lex program to count the number of lexems in the given input file.

        Sample File:-input.txt
        Sample Input:int i=0;

        Sample output:- Total no. of lexemes = 24

Program 3: Link

Lex program to read from an input file, remove multiple spaces, newline and tabs and write the result in an output file.

        Sample Input File:-input.txt
        Sample Input:hello world
                     @.....  @.....
                     q    q

         Sample Output File:-output.txt
         Sample Output:


Program 1: Link

Sample YACC Program

        Sample Input:hi
        Sample Output:Hello World
        Sample Input:bye
        Sample Output:Bye World


Program 1: Link

Lex and YACC programs to check whether a given string is Palindrome or Not.

        Sample Input: Malayalam
        Sample Output: pallindrome: malayalam
        Sample Input: Anshika
        Sample Output: not pallindrome: anshika

Program 2: Link

Write a program using Lex and YACC which accept strings that starts and ends with 0 or 1

        Sample Input: 541
        Sample Output: accepted.
        Sample Input: 768
        Sample Output: not accepted.