Access Android Application

IOTA Android application is a client based smartphone application used to create Access Policies (as device owner) and Access Requests (as device user). Policies can be combined with attributes to create rules that affect resolution of the policy on the embedded device.

There are 4 hardcoded users:

  • alice
  • bob
  • carol
  • dave

all of them have IOTApass1234 as password.

Building instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd access-mobile-client
  1. Open the project in Android Studio.

  2. Select Build -> Build APK. This will build the Access Mobile Client APK file.

  3. If you get an error about a missing NDK, you can install it via Tools->SDK Manager->SDK Tools->NDK. To choose a specific Version you can select Show Package Details

Run instructions

  1. In the android security settings select:
Allow instalation of the apps from unknown sources
  1. Copy generated APK to the Android phone using USB cable
  2. From the file explorer of the Android smartphone device select Run file in order to install
  3. If you are running an Android version >= 9 then you will need to change the IP in access-mobile-client/app/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml. Edit to the IP of your Policy-Store