
Newtork copy

Primary LanguageC


Network copy -- Copy files over the network


This software can work in two modes:

  • Client: You choose the file to send and the address to be sent.

Usage: ./ncp --addr=IP [--file=FILE] [--port=PORT]

Option Description Type
--addr Specify IP address to connect to. Mandatory.
--file Specify file to be sent. Optional. If no file is specified, ncp will read from standart input.
--port Specify port to connect. Optional. If no port is specified, ncp will use the default one.
  • Server: You listen to a client which will send the file.

Usage: ./ncp --listen [--out=FILE] [--port=PORT]

Option Description Type
--listen Set server mode. Mandatory.
--out Specify file name that will be used to save the received file. Optional. If no file is specified, ncp will write to standart output.
--port Specify port to connect. Optional. If no port is specified, ncp will use the default one.
  • This options work on both modes:
Option Description Type
--no-bar Disable progress bar. Optional.


  • Real time progress bar: While data is on the go, ncp will show a progress bar to help the user understand how file copy is going.

  • Speed and time statistics: At the end of the transfer, ncp will show time and average speed of the transaction.

  • Hash compare: At the same time the transfer is taking place, it's also calculating sha1 hash of the file being sent(by client) and the hash of the file being received(by the server). At the end, client will send it to the server which will compare both to determine if file was transferred with no errors.


You need openssl lib headers to compile ncp. If you're using Debian based distributions(eg, Ubuntu), you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev