This Dockerfile builds a Debian-based Docker container with a bunch of pentesting tools installed.
A quick and easy way to deploy a pentesting platform on any box, including Linux, MacOS or Windows!
Tools installed:
- dirb
- john
- p0f
- patator
- dotdotpwn
- enum4linux
- dnsenum
- smtp-user-enum
- hydra
- wpscan
- snmpcheck
- wafw00f
- medusa
- hping3
- crunch
- setoolkit
- metasploit
- httrack
- SQLmap
- nmap
- SSLscan
- joomscan
- theharvester
- tcpdump
- openvpn
- nikto
- telnet
- proxychains
- htop
It also includes:
- Wordlists from Kali Linux
- Webshells from Kali Linux
- A binary folder, allowing to easily run each binary independently
- fish shell & tmux
You can pull the official image from the dockerhub registry using the following command:
docker pull nitr4x/reversing
To build the container, just use this command:
docker build -t pentest .
Docker will download the Debian image and then execute the installation steps.
Be patient, the process can be quite long the first time.
Note that you may want to:
- If you wish to change the container name, please, run the script in order to update the bin folder.
- To easily access each command, add the bin folder to your environment PATH.
Once the build process is over, get and enjoy your tools as you were on a virtual machine !
sudo docker run -td -p -v ~/p0wnM3/:/tmp/data --name pentest pentest
- We map the port range from 9990 to 9999 to our host (useful for reverse tcp connexion)
- We mount a shared folder to simplify the data exchange between the container and the host
Of course, it is up to you to adjust it to your taste or need.