Welcome to the slimmed-down version of Kiron's technology stack. Kiron is all offering access to higher education to refugees wordlwdie. We are a non-profit based in Berlin, Germany. Our tech team is global, and we are always looking for volunteers to help out on projects. This repository serves as a playground for you to get comfortable with the libraries and frameworks used at Kiron's product called Student Platform.
For more information on what we do and what Kiron Open Higher Education is all about visit our website.
The Kiron Student Platform is built on a demanding, modern javascript stack to provide a top-notch experience in a single page app. The frontend is React.js, the backend is the Node.js based Sails. We use Redux to manage the state. There are a number of other libraries built in, like Bootstrap. This stack example represents a bare-bones version of our stack. At the moment there is only a frontend here, though we are building a backend as well. The two are independent of each other; if you are interested in the frontend only, just go straight there.
If you have a developer's environment already, know the tools and want to jump in than just clone the repository, install and go!
git clone git@github.com:kironuniversity/stackexample.git
cd stackexample/frontend
The easiest was to share your results is creating a fork on GitHub. Press the fork button at the upper right corner of the screen. After that you will have your own remote copy that you can push to.
From here, have a look at the README in the frontend for setup information, more on our tech, and of course the challenges!
When you are all done, we've got one more quick survey for you - please fill it out, then we'll have a look at your code and get back to you as soon as we can!
Here is some information to help you get rolling along, whether you are doing backend or frontend. There are lots of ways to program javascript. We are following the AirBnB Javascript Style Guide, this should be your reference. We are coding in ES6.
We recommend using the light, fast and efficient text editor Atom. Atom has an ES6 Linter that can be set using the AirBnB guide. After setting up Atom, you will want to add the packages linter
, linter-eslint
, and react
We also recommend developing in Google Chrome, using the React Developer Tools add on.
If you are new to React.js, have a look at their website. There are a handful of other resources around, too.
If you are new to Redux, have a look at this video tutorial series by Dan Abramov, for instance.
If you are new to Git and GitHub, there are tons of tutorials out there.
Don't forget to have fun!