
Control of flow in GAS x86

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Introduction to control of flow in GAS x86


  • Learn how to format conditionals using cmp and j operations
  • Understand if and switch statements at the assembly level
  • Optimize a while loop at the assembly level


  • Using global variables with GAS x86 (referencing and dereferencing)
  • Knowledge of the stack is not required (local scope)



  • Familiarity with C-language if, switch and while constructs


This lab requires the following software: gcc version 8.3.0, make, git.


This lab requires an x86 processor. It will not work on an ARM system (such as a Raspberry Pi).

OS Compatability

Linux Mac Windows
Yes* No Yes, with WSL*

This lab requires you to assemble an x86 program. Syntax and calling conventions are specific down to the operating system and version of gcc you are using. This lab was created for a system running Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster). It may work on Ubuntu (check gcc version with gcc --version).

Background Exercises

Start by cloning the lab and changing into the directory if you have not done so already:

$ git clone https://github.com/DrAlbertCruz/3240-Control-Flow.git
$ cd 3240-Control-Flow/

The following are exercises where we use gcc to generate GAS x86 files. The files contain examples of common constructs we use in programming such as:

  • if
  • case
  • while

with some comments about how we might optimize it. We do not go over for because of how similar it is to a while loop.

Branching in x86

The %rip is register that points to the next instruction to be executed. There is a potential trap here. Watch out for guides online that refer to %eip. %eip is the 32-bit version of the instruction pointer. However, we are working with 64-bit version of x86, so it must be %rip. With x86-64, virtual memory addresses are 64-bits and will need to be stored in 64-bit sized registers.

To alter the flow of the program you move %rip. The simplest approach is to perform arithmetic on it, such as moving it to some arbitrary address:

movq %rip, label

Or, adding a certain number of bytes to it:

addq $4, %rip

However, both are wrong. You can't directly modify the instruction pointer. It is special. You need to use specific instructions instead. There are two types of instructions which move the instruction pointer:

  • Unconditional aka jumps
  • Conditional aka branches (only jump if a condition is true)

Unconditional branches

Unconditional branching is a unary command (accepts one argument) where you provide the label to jump to. For example:

jmp	.L3

Jump to whatever is labelled .L3. Note that labels with a dot were generated by the compiler/linker. Labels do not always need to start with a dot.

Conditional branches

Conditional branching in x86 is a two-step process. Surprisingly it is more complicated than MIPS which specifies a conditional branch in a single instruction. The two steps are:

  • Use a cmp command to do the math for the conditional expression, and
  • Use a conditional jump that checks the result of the previous step against some inequality.

The inequality must always be the expression vs. zero, which complicates things a bit. When we form conditionals we usually have a left-hand side (LHS) and a right-hand side (RHS). For example:

if ( a > b ) {

This checks if a > b. This is how we naturally form our conditionals as a high-level programmer. However, in x86, the RHS must be zero. So, before encoding the conditional, refactor it so that the RHS zero. With this example, the same condition is:

if ( a - b > 0 ) {

This converts to the following pseudo-assembly code:

cmp b, a
jg jump_target

Note that with GAS x86 syntax, the source is first and the destination is second. So, b comes before a. cmp is short hand for a subtraction operation. This subtraction operation sets a flag register. Then, a conditional jump is called to implement the specific inequality you need. It refers to the flag register, it does not refer to the contents of the source and destination registers. Here is a short summary of conditional operations:

Command Inequality Explanation
je == a - b == 0
jne ~= a - b != 0
jge >= a - b >= 0
jg > a - b > 0
jle <= a - b <= 0
jl < a - b < 0

If the statement is True, the jump will be performed. If the statement is False, the instruction pointer will instead move the instruction that immediately follows the conditional jump. This is called a fall through.


The first example is example_if.s. Study example_if.c before moving on.

It has a global variable called badger which is set to integer value 7. The main() function checks if the value of badger is greater or less than ten, and has printf() statements based on the value of badger. Since we know that badger is 7, it should display:

Badger is less than or equal to ten!

The makefile target example_if.s will generate our assembly code. Make it if you have not done this yet:

$ make example_if.s
gcc -Wall -O0 -S -o example_if.s example_if.c

and open the file in your favorite text editor. This code:

	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6

is the creation of main()'s stack frame and we can ignore it. Ignore it for all following examples. The first relevant line of code is:

movl	badger(%rip), %eax
cmpl	$10, %eax
jle	.L2

The line movl badger(%rip), %eax means to dereference badger and place the value into %eax. Note that while badger(%rip) is a 64-bit address, an int is 32-bits. Thus, the operation should be to move only 32-bits, which is why we use movl to perform the dereference. movl stands for move long or double-word, and 32-bits is considered long for x86. If you did movq--move quad-word--it would attempt to read 64 bits from memory. Since badger is a 32-bit integer it would be an error. cmpl $10, %eax performs the conditional badger - 10. jle .L2 means that if badger - 10 <= 0 to jump to .L2.

In C-language, the operation is badger > 10. However, refactoring that based on the background discussion it must be badger - 10 > 0. Time out. Why is it doing the opposite? gcc wants to maintain the order of the blocks. The if block should come first, and the else block comes second. Thus, if the inverse of the condition is true, go to what we think of as the else block. Otherwise, fall through into what we think of as the if block. You can confirm this by noting that the instructions immediately following the jle are to:

leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rdi
movl	$0, %eax
call	printf@PLT
jmp	.L3

This is a call to printf() and .LC0 is "Badger is greater than ten!". This is the if block, not the else block. .L3 is the point where the two separate threads of if and else rejoin into the rest of the program, which should just return 1.

Moving on, the jmp is unconditional. So the next few lines:

	leaq	.LC1(%rip), %rdi
	movl	$0, %eax
	call	printf@PLT

can only be naturally reached by a jump (not by falling through). .LC1 is "Badger is less than or equal to ten!" so this must be our else block. The makefile target example_if.out will create an executable binary from our assembly source:

$ make example_if.out
gcc -Wall -O0 -c -o example_if.o example_if.s
gcc -Wall -O0 -o example_if.out example_if.o
$ ./example_if.out
Badger is less than or equal to ten

Study this, and move on. This is quite simple, and we do not need to optimize this example. Optional exercises if you wanted the challenge:

  1. Set badger to a value that will get the other outcome for our program.
  2. Place the else block in the fall through position and the if statement as the branch.


The first example is example_switch.s. Study example_switch.c before moving on. This example uses the C-language switch construct. It appears to take only one argument on the C-side, and branches based on the equivalent of the argument to explicitly given values. The default block is what happens if ibex is not equal to any specified case statement. If you haven't already, go ahead and make the assembly source:

$ make example_switch.s
gcc -Wall -O0 -S -o example_switch.s example_switch.c

and open example_switch.s in your favorite text editor. Skip down to:

movl	ibex(%rip), %eax
cmpl	$7, %eax
je	.L2
cmpl	$12, %eax
je	.L3
jmp	.L7

This is where the switch statement happens. ibex is the variable we are checking. It's value is dereferenced into %eax. The first case statement checks if ibex == 7, which is realized with cmpl $7, %eax. je .L2 branches if the %eax - $7 == 0. If this is true jump to .L2. Otherwise, fall through into another check for ibex == 12. One thing to note is that the switch constructs as created by the compiler do not have block code in the fall through position. There is a jump to each block. Run this code to make sure it works:

$ make example_switch.out
gcc -Wall -O0 -c -o example_switch.o example_switch.s
gcc -Wall -O0 -o example_switch.out example_switch.o
$ ./example_switch.out

Optimization of a switch statement

There is a very minor optimization that can be performed here. Note that the default state has a jmp to it's block. Yet, if you fall through after je .L7 it will neither be 7 or 12, so it is safe to assume that instructions occurring after this block should be a part of default. So, you can remove the .L7 block entirely and change:

cmpl	$12, %eax
je	.L3
jmp	.L7 /* Why do you jump to default? */


cmpl	$12, %eax
je	.L3
leaq	.LC2(%rip), %rdi /* Just cut and paste it here ... */
movl	$0, %eax
call	printf@PLT
jmp .L5 /* ... end of cut and paste */

That is, cut and paste the .L7 block to be in the fall through position of je .L3. But wait, this still has the same number of jmp ops? Note that since we have removed the .L7 block entirely, .L3 can fall through into .L5 directly, and we do not need to jmp .L5. As an optional exercise, repeat the above on your own. Make sure it works the same as before the change.


Our next stop: a while loop. This example will dive off the deep end for sure. Start by studying example_while.c, then make the assembly code if you haven't done so already:

$ make example_while.s
gcc -Wall -O0 -S -o example_while.s example_while.c

and open example_while.s in your favorite text editor. Here is what happened to our while loop:

jmp	.L2 /* Jump to the check for ( counter < 10 ) */
.L3: /* Start of loop body */
leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rdi
movl	$0, %eax
call	printf@PLT
movl	counter(%rip), %eax /* Refresh counter */
addl	$1, %eax /* Counter++ */
movl	%eax, counter(%rip) /* Save counter */
.L2: /* Check for ( counter < 10 ) */
movl	counter(%rip), %eax
cmpl	$9, %eax
jle	.L3 /* Jump to loop body */

To start, there is a jmp .L2. .L2 block appears to be the check to see if you should loop again. For some reason gcc has created a specific block just for the concept of our loop test. movl counter(%rip), %eax refreshes the value of counter each time the test is performed. Then, we compare it with cmpl $9, %eax and jle .L3. Alternatively, this could have been cmpl $10, %eax and jl .L3. They are equivalent.

Inside of .L3, we increment counter with:

movl	counter(%rip), %eax
addl	$1, %eax
movl	%eax, counter(%rip)

We see this behavior again where gcc refreshes the value of counter every time it is used. Unfortunately, we have to allow this. You might think to reserve a specific register for counter to save memory read/writes, but there are function calls. Registers are generally not preserved across function calls. We will learn how to preserve register values across function calls, but that is two labs from now. For now, we will have to ignore this.

Optimization of a while loop

The way gcc creates loops seems unnatural. At least, it is not like the way we coded things by hand during lecture. So, you can try to refactor it lecture style:

looptop:               /* What was previously .LC2 is now here */
movl	counter(%rip), %eax
cmpl	$10, %eax        /* %eax - 10 >= 0 */
jge	loopquit           /* Conditional will check need to EXIT */
leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rdi /* Loop body is fall through into here, no need for .LC3 */
movl	$0, %eax
call	printf@PLT
movl	counter(%rip), %eax /* Refresh counter */
addl	$1, %eax
movl	%eax, counter(%rip)
jmp looptop            /* Jump up to looptop */

You can fall through into looptop: normally because it's the first instruction after setting up main()'s call frame. Note that when we do this, we can remove the concept of .LC2 and .LC3.

Can we do better? Can we reduce the number of times we have to dereference counter? Consider the loop body:

printf( "Count!" );

When you call a function, you generally cannot guarantee that the registers will have the same values (without the stack). So the issue seems to be that we make a call to printf() before doing counter++. What if we reversed it?

printf( "Count!" );

This code is roughly equivalent. On the assembly side we can rearrange it, and also remove the refresh of counter:

movl	counter(%rip), %eax
cmpl	$10, %eax        
jge	loopquit           
addl	$1, %eax /* Removed a refresh of counter */
movl	%eax, counter(%rip)
leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rdi
movl	$0, %eax
call	printf@PLT
jmp looptop            

cmpl $10, %eax does not modify the value in %eax. So, the second time that you carry out movl counter(%rip), %eax, we have not changed it. Thus it is redundant and you can remove it. Whereas the change to looptop/loopquit was stylistic, removing a memory dereference is a significant optimization. Memory is among the slowest class of instruction types/operations you can perform on a microprocessor. As an optional exercise, repeat the above. Make sure it works. It should display Count! nine times.

Technical Approach

A command line user interface or CUI is a type of program that displays a menu in the terminal. Your goal is to implement a CUI program that keeps records for a company. lab_control_flow.c contains code for a program that will view employee and customer records for a company. However, it has two flaws that you need to fix:

  1. It loops infinitely. If you look at the code, it should stop if the user enters the value 10.
  2. It does not react to the menu. For this lab, it should display some mock up.


Your solution to the lab must be done in assembly. That is, you can use the make target for make lab_control_flow.s to create an initial solution. And, you should modify the GAS x86 assembly code to make a working program. Solutions where you did it all in C-language will be obvious. The point of the examples was to demonstrate that gcc does some strange stuff, and it will be obvious to me if you did this in C and not x86. Solutions done in C will not get any credit.

When the user selects options 1 and 2, display some mock up. It does not need to be a working program. For example:

Welcome, here are your options:
1. View employee data
2. View customer data
10. Quit
Enter your response now:
Employee data:
Jotaro Kujo, 30, 195cm, B
Welcome, here are your options:
1. View employee data
2. View customer data
10. Quit
Enter your response now:


Submit your code to Moodle for credit. You must submit your .s file.