
Primary LanguageAssemblyBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

CMPS 3240 Lab: Registers and Memory


During this lab you will:

  1. Learn the difference between registers and memory
  2. Understand the concept of load-store architecture
  3. Become familiar with register addressing format


  • Conversion to/from hexadecimals
  • Strong familiarity with gdb from previous lab
  • 2's compliment
  • Some idea of how memory is structure in a program: data, stack, heap, etc.


The following is a list of requirements to complete the lab. Some labs can completed on any machine, whereas some require you to use a specific departmental teaching server. You will find this information here.


We will use the following programs:

  • as
  • ld
  • git
  • gdb


This lab requires the departmental ARM server, fenrir.cs.csubak.edu. It will not work on odin.cs.csubak.edu, sleipnir.cs.csubak.edu, other PCs, etc. that have x86 processors. It may work on a Raspberry Pi or similar system on chip with ARM, but it must be ARMv8-a.

Linux Mac Windows
Limited No No


Part 1 - Register Operations

This first part focuses on registers. The version of ARM we are using has 31 64-bit general-purpose registers, called r0-r30 formally, but not in practice. You must specify if you are addressing 64 bits or 32 bits. x0-x30 are 64-bit addressing and w0-w30 are 32-bit addressing. wt refers to the same register as xt, but only the lower half--bits 0 to 31:

| 64-bit register xt |

| Upper half of 64-bit register | Lower half of 64-bit register - wt |

Register r31 is a special register, referred to as wxr or xzr depending on size. Do not use w31 or z31 in your code. If used as a source register, it will supply a reference value of 0. If used a destination, the result will be discarded.

There are also various stack pointer registers, exception link registers, and program status registers which we will cover later on. There is also the pc, which is the address of the current instruction. There is also a flag register cpsr used for branching and exceptions/interrupts. Register 31 is a special register that, depending on the instruction, is used as a stack register or a zero-reference value.

Before proceeding you should have two terminals open. One for viewing hello.s and another for running the program with gdb. Go ahead and open up hello.s with your favorite text editor:

$ git clone https://github.com/DrAlbertCruz/CMPS-3240-Data-Register-ARM.git
$ cd CMPS-3240-Data-Register-ARM
$ vim hello.s

In the following, we go line-by-line. The file starts as in the previous lab:

.global _start

These directives indicate the start of instructions and the location of _start for the linker, respectively.

w vs. x

Consider the first few non-directive lines:

        mov x0, 0xffffffffffffffff
        mov w1, 0xffffffff

The mov instruction used in this way loads a literal value into a register with a right-to-left assignment. mov x0, 0xffffffffffffffff places 0xffffffffffffffff into x0. Note that this is the largest unsigned value possible that one can place in a 64-bit register. mov w1, 0xffffffff is similar, except note that it refers to w1. Verify this with gdb. Go ahead and make, then run gdb:

$ gdb ./hello.out

and set a breakpoint to _start and _a1, then run the program.

(gdb) br _start
(gdb) br _a1
(gdb) run

It should stop at _start, which means no instructions from the program are executed. Check the initial values of the two registers:

(gdb) info register x0 x1
x0             0x0	0
x1             0x0	0

So the registers start with value 0. Continue, to the next breakpoint and view the same registers, and take a look at the new values:

(gdb) info register x0 x1
x0             0xffffffffffffffff	-1
x1             0xffffffff	4294967295

Indeed, x1 was loaded with the smaller value. gdb is displaying the value of the register contents as 2's compliment numbers. However, this is only being displayed as such. The register is not intrinsically a signed integer. It could very well mean unsigned 0xffffffffffffffff or -1. It is up to you to keep track.a

Types and Signedness

If you're following along, there should be no need to quit gdb and set new breakpoints (unless you did the optional content in the footnote). We will now investigate the following code:

        mov x3, #12
        mov x4, 0xfffffffffffffffe
        add x5, x3, x4

Assuming you did not quit gdb, continue to _a2. This is two gdb commands:

(gdb) br _a2
(gdb) continue

The code snippet should load the literal 12 into x3. It should also load -2 into x4. You should quickly verify on a piece of paper that the two's compliment representation of -2 comes out to 0xfe. The third instruction should carry out 12 + (-2) and store the result in x5. Generally, three-argument arithmetic operations are left-to-right assignment with the first argument being the result and the second and third arguments being the operands. Now, check the values of x3 thru x5:

(gdb) info registers x3 x4 x5
x3             0xc	12
x4             0xfffffffffffffffe	-2
x5             0xa	10

As expected. The next section will cover the other type of data storage, memory.

Part 2 - Instruction and Data Memory

In this section we cover how your assembly code can interact with the memory. In this lab we cover static memory, later labs will cover how to use the stack, and how to use the heap.

The name of memory your process interacts with is called virtual memory, or memory for short. Memory is a single-indexed segment of data. It holds instructions, data, the stack and the heap. It also holds reserved space for the supervisor process. Thus, your user process cannot access some parts of memory. To reiterate, this memory holds machine instructions and data in the same structure. To place code in a specific place you use directives, such as .text. Like registers, type is not specified in the memory itself. It is up to you to note the length and type of your data. If it is an array, you also need to note the number of elements in the array.

For this lab, the environment you are using is byte-addressable. That is, an address refers to a specific byte. Note that this is less than the size of a word, which is four bytes.

When translating a high-level language, the assembler/linker places variables in memory. Unlike registers, these locations are named with identifiers. In practice, it is difficult to determine where variables are placed at compile-time. For this lab, gbd provides instructions to tell us the address of variables.

The most important concept of today's lab is the idea of a load-store architecture. The processor cannot perform arithmetic on memory. The general idea for load-store operations is:

  1. Load the value from memory with an ldr or ldp instruction. The value is placed in a register.
  2. Interact with the data as needed.
  3. Store the value back into memory str or stp. This instruction transfers register values into memory.

As a 0-th step, the pointer (address of the memory to be loaded) should be located in a register. This often requires an ldr operation.

Static Memory

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of hello.s:

.global badger
        .word   7

.global eagle
        .word 0

.global coyote
        .word   0
        .word   2
        .word   4
        .word   6
        .word   8
        .word   10

.global fox
.comm fox, 200, 4

This section is distinct from the .text section. The .data directive indicates that whatever follows should be placed in data memory. There are four variables in this program: badger, eagle, coyote, and fox. The .global directive helps the linker identify global variables.b This code is roughly equivalent to:

int badger = 7;
int eagle = 0;
int coyote[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };
int fox[200];

First consider the snippet pertaining to badger. The chunk of data is requisitioned with .word 7, and the statement badger: associates this word with the identifier badger. Word length in ARM is 4 bytes, despite us working in 64-bit ARM. Recall from above that the int is not specified in the assembly code, only the length (32-bits for int, which means word length). It is up to you to remember that this holds an int because there is no notion of typing at this level.

The initialization of coyote is interesting because you requisition the data chunks piece by piece. Recall from CMPS 2010 that the variable *coyote merely points to the start of the array. Indeed, the first element here is the only labelled element. Everything else has to be indexed relative to *coyote if you want to access it.

.comm fox, 200, 4 is unique from the others. We do not initialize the values. Instead, we use the .comm directive, which requisitions uninitialized array space. The first argument is the name, the second argument is the length, and the third argument is the length of each element in bytes. Again, int is 4-bytes, so that's why we enter 4 here.

If you have gdb open still, there are two commands that will help you peek at the variables in memory. Note that it does not matter which breakpoint you're at, because these are static values that start up with the process and we haven't modified them yet. Just make sure gdb is running the process. The first is to resolve the address:

(gdb) p &badger
$1 = (<data variable, no debug info> *) 0x4100e8

The command is p. To view our static memory elements pass it the label identifier with an ampersand. gdb would have provided more information if you used gcc because it is more verbose with directives. The key here is the last item, which indicates that the variable badger is place at 0x4100e8. With this operation you can confirm that the variables are placed in consecutive locations.

The output of gdb can be formatted by appending characters to the command like so:

(gdb) p/x &badger
$2 = 0x4100e8
(gdb) p/t &badger
$3 = 10000010000000011101000

x indicates hexadecimal. t indicates binary. The generalized format is command/flags. Now, suppose you want to view the contents instead. You use the command x. x takes three flags, and you should go to this reference to see the options.1 Here is an example of viewing badger:

(gdb) x/1xw &badger
0x4100e8:	0x00000007

An explanation of the flags from left-to-right: display 1 element, format it as a hexadecimal, elements are word length. Another version:

(gdb) x/4db &badger
0x4100e8:	7	0	0	0

This command translates to: display the 4-bytes at the identifier badger, formatted as decimals. Note that you can see the data is little endian, that is, bytes within a word are stored in reverse order.

Arithmetic on memory

The first exercise we will implement on memory is to increment a single non-array variable. Consider the following commands:

        ldr x0, =badger
        ldr x2, [x0]
        add x2, x2, 3
        str x2, [x0]

The labels aren't necessary for operation, they just help us with gdb by defining the breakpoints. We will take this one slowly (hence the many breakpoints). The first instruction, ldr fetches the memory address of badger and turns x0 into a pointer. By convention, static labels must be prefixed with a =. Check what happened to x0:

(gdb) br _b1
(gdb) run
(gdb) info registers x0
x0             0x4100e8	4260072

So, when loading the program, badger was placed at the memory address 0x4100e8. This is roughly equivalent to the following C statement: x0 = &badger. Continue to the _b2 breakpoint. ldr x2, [x0] when used this way dereferences the memory address contained in x0. ldr x2, [x0] is roughly equivalent to the C statement: x2 = *x0, and we know that x0 points to badger, so this fetches the value at badger and places it in x2. Investigating this with gdb:

(gdb) br _b2
(gdb) continue
(gdb) info registers x0 x2
x0             0x4100e8	4260072
x2             0xa	10
(gdb) x/4db &badger
0x4100e8:	7	0	0	0

x0 still contains the pointer the badger. x2 was loaded with the initial value of badger, and we added 3 to it. Note that the badger memory location still holds 7. Continue to _b3.

(gdb) break _b3
(gdb) continue
(gdb) x/1dw &badger
0x4100e8:	10

Finally, str x2, [x0] writes 10 into badger.

Indexing Arrays

The brackets [] are similar to the C-language dereference operator except it can be used with the following forms:

  1. [R]: Where R is a register. Example: ldr x0, [x2]. Just dereference x2.
  2. [R,imm]: R is a register, and imm is the number of bytes to skip. Example: ldr w1, [w2,4], which would be roughly equivalent to the C statement int w1 = w1[1]. Note that imm is the number of bytes to skip, not the number of elements.

There are more methods of indexing, which we will skip for this lab due to complexity.2 The following ARM code:

        ldr x1, =coyote
        ldr w2, [x1,#8]
        add w2, w2, #100
        str w2, [x1,#8]

This code is roughly equivalent to the following C-language code:

coyote[2] = coyote[2] + 100

Note that we use the w registers here to let the machine know it should only draw 32 bits (a word). If you tried to use x in this scenario it would attempt to draw 64 bits and read both coyote[2] and coyote[3] as a single 64 bit integer. This would cause a segmentation fault. Feel free to try it if you want to see it in action.

Also, note that 2 time the length of an integer is 8 bytes. Don't skip to _b3 yet, first view the initial contents of the array:

(gdb) x/6dw &coyote
0x4100f0:	0	2	4	6
0x410100:	8	10

Now, skip to _b4 and run the code:

(gdb) x/6dw &coyote
0x410108:	0	2	104	6
0x410118:	8	10

Viola, we incremented a single element within the array coyote. Now that that's done, you can get going on the lab finally.


Your task is to use your knowledge of the above to copy the values of coyote into fox. fox is much larger than coyote, so you should only copy the first 6 elements. We haven't covered control of flow yet (for loops or if statements), so just explicitly code the instructions.

Note that you must change the values, not the pointers.


Check Off

Demonstrate that your code works in gdb for full credit, if you finish early:

Photos of Spiderman


1https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/gdb/html_node/gdb_55.html 2https://azeria-labs.com/memory-instructions-load-and-store-part-4/


aYou may be curious what happens if the value you attempt to stick in a w register is greater than 32 bits. Feel free to modify the line by adding a few more fs: mov w1, 0xffffffffff. When you re-make the binary file you should get an error. This has to do with the way ARM encodes the instruction, having inferred your intent to operate on 32-bits, yet being unable to represent without promoting the instruction to 64-bits.

bThe things that your CMPS 2010 instructor warned you about but we will use liberally for simplicity in this class.