
Introduction to MIPS code with SPIM simulator

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CMPS 3240 Computer Architecture/CMPS 2240 Assembly Language: Introduction to MIPS assembly language and the SPIM simulator



  • A SPIM simulator on your machine. We will begin to learn assembly language with MIPS32 (MIPS for the rest of the manual). It is much easier to understand and get into than x86. However, the microprocessor you are using is likely an x86 processor. Because assembly instructions are low level operations to be fed to the microprocessor, MIPS instructions cannot be understood by the machine you are working on. We could either cross-compile the code, or use a simulator. We will use the later.
  • Understand how to use the C-language printf()
  • Review the operation of main.s and read.s before coming to lab
  • Representation of strings in C-language

Installing the SPIM simulator

If you are using the department server, ignore this step. SPIM is already installed on the department servers. If you want to use your own device, please consult this resource for instructions:


  • Write a MIPS program that prompts the user for two integers and displays the result. E.g.:
(spim) run
Enter a number:
Enter another number:
The result is 11.
  • Understand la, li, lb, jal and syscall


The following files are required for this lab:

  • main.s - An assembly language program which you will modify to complete this lab
  • printf.s - A pre-made function that operates similarly to the C-language printf()


Clone this repository. Once you've downloaded the files, load all three files and run the code to see what it does. To run the code, you must be in the SPIM simulator. To load the simulator, execute the following commands from the terminal:

$ spim

If this does not work and you're on your own machine, please see the above sections for how to install SPIM. Otherwise, you should see the SPIM prompt:

Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
SPIM Version 9.1.4 of September 4, 2011
Copyright 1990-2010, James R. Larus.
All Rights Reserved.
SPIM is distributed under a BSD license.
See the file README for a full copyright notice.

or similar. To quit the SPIM CLI, execute quit, like so:

(spim) quit

Before proceeding make sure you're back in the SPIM simulator. To run code, you must load each .s file one-by-one. Assuming you're in the cloned directory:

(spim) load "printf.s"
(spim) load "main.s"
(spim) load "read.s"

load loads the source code into memory. After loading all of the source code, execute run:

(spim) run

which will attempt to execute the code labelled main. You should get:

(spim) run
Hello world.
Register $a1 holds: 10
2 plus 3 is 5
The string is: I am a string
The char is: a
Enter a line of text [return]:

and the terminal waits for a response. It will ask for a line of text, echo that, ask for a number and echo that as well. Here is an example:

Enter a line of text [return]:
Enter an integer [return]:


load "main.s" appends the source code in the main.s file into SPIM's simluated memory. It does not keep track of what was previously inserted. If you change main.s and then attempt to reload it into the CLI it will not smartly recognize the block of code that was previously associated with main.s to check it for collisions. So, if you insert main.s, update it later, and attempt to load "main.s" again it will cause two mains to be in existence and cause an error. For example, attempt to load main.s twice:

(spim) load "main.s"
(spim) load "main.s"
spim: (parser) Label is defined for the second time on line 14 of file main.s

This applies to all source files. When coding, if you make changes, you will have to start over and load the files one-by-one. To clear all previously loaded instructions from the simulator's memory run reinitialize:

(spim) reinitialize
Loaded: /usr/share/spim/exceptions.s
SPIM Version 9.1.4 of September 4, 2011
Copyright 1990-2010, James R. Larus.
All Rights Reserved.
SPIM is distributed under a BSD license.
See the file README for a full copyright notice.

Actually, if even if you accidentally loaded the same file twice, you will need to reinitialize to fix the error.

Study main.s

Close SPIM, open your favorite text editor and look at main.s. The top lines are comments:

# filename: main.s
# purpose:  test output facilities in print.s and input facilities in read.s

The following lines:

.globl  main
.ent  main

are a preamble that lets MIPS know that the following lines of code are instructions, declares a subroutine called main for linking purposes, and labels the entry point for main when debugging the code. The first bit of real MIPS code is here:

  la  $a0,format1  # Load address of format string #1 into $a0
  jal printf       # call printf

main: labels the next instruction as main. From above, when run is executed, it looks for an instruction labelled main, and runs that. la loads an address in memory into a register. A register is a series of flip-flops on the microprocessor that stores data. A microprocessor has a limited number of these. With MIPS32, these registers are generally 32-bits in size, and can hold either data or memory addresses. la $a0,format1 takes the pointer format1 and loads its value into the register $a0.

jal printf is a function call. Each line of instruction in your code is associated with an address. Your main function starts at 0 (this is simulated). The program will march through each line in your code, line by line. It runs line 0. Then it runs line 1, and so on until it hits the sequence of commands to quit. In a high-level language we would alter the control flow with if, switch, for, etc. With jal we explicitly tell it to skip to a specific address or block. For example, the above line of code jumps to the block of code labeled printf which you can find in the file printf.s (look at this file and note the line printf:). How are arguments passed? Note that we load values into the registers $a0, $a1, etc. before calling printf. For these lines of code, we pass it format1. It is defined on lines 51-52:

  .asciiz "Hello world.\n"        # asciiz adds trailing null byte to string

Note that this section starts with .data indicating that what follows should be read into memory, rather than treated as instructions. format1:, much like the main: labels the next instruction. Thus, when la $a0,format1 is carried out, $a0 is loaded with the memory location of wherever in memory format1 is located. Note that strings in C-language are an array of chars with a null terminator, denoted in MIPS as the type .asciiz. This is roughly equivalent to the following C code:

printf( "Hello world\n!" );

except in our MIPS code, we have to explicitly create the string literal and place it into memory. Now consider lines 19-21, and line 53:

  la  $a0,format2  # load address of format string #2 into $a0
  li  $a1, 10      # test %d format - load 10 into $a1
  jal printf       # call printf
  .asciiz "Register $a1 holds: %d\n"  

This is similar to the C code:

printf( "Register $a1 holds: %d\n", 10 );

Take your time studying the operation of main.s and the printf function. Pay particular attention to the format specifiers %d.

Lab check off

For full credit, you should get the program to ask for two integers add them together and display the result. For example:

Enter the first number [return]:
Enter the second number [return]:
Adding them together is 2.

Hint: Make your changes in read.s.


Though you were given a C-style printf, you should not make calls to printf from within read.s. The reason for that is you arrive at read.s through a jal call from main.s. The address to return back into main.s is stored in the register $ra. Note that at the end of the read function, you jr $ra to get back to main. However, calling another function (such as printf) from within read.s will cause $ra to become overwritten, thus stuck will be stuck in a loop. You should stick to using syscall for I/O. Consult the following for more information about it:


Insert responses to this in your lab report:

  1. Why must you use la when referring to a string literal?
  2. What will happen when you attempt to print a string but specify %d instead of %s?
  3. What is the purpose of .ent main