
A very simple prototype (proof of concept) of Microservice architecture using Go and Nginx.

Primary LanguageGo

A very simple prototype (proof of concept) of Microservice architecture using Go and Nginx.

###What we have There is two apps, login and blog. Both control the user by session and the second one let the user post a blog entry.

###What we want As expected behaviour, the applications will be available at http://your-host-name.com/ as if it were one single app.

Note: both apps and the package core are organized into a single repository to make easier to visualize the prototype.


  1. Install Go environment and Nginx server.
  2. And get the source/dependencies using Go:
$ go get \
github.com/viliamjr/microblog \
github.com/go-martini/martini \
github.com/martini-contrib/sessions \


Start the apps:

  • a login app instance:
$ PORT=3000 go run login.go
  • the first instance of blog app:
$ PORT=3001 go run blog.go
  • optionally, you can start a second instance of blog app:
$ PORT=3002 go run blog.go
  • start nginx with the follow configuration:
upstream loginservice {

upstream blogservice {
    ## ip_hash;
    server weight=3;

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  your-host-name.com;

    location /blog/ {
        proxy_pass http://blogservice/;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://loginservice;

Remember to define 'your-host-name.com' as a valid hostname at your hosts file.

Have fun!



  • Change shared variables (keys and directories) to environment variables.
  • Provide some documentation: readme and golang style.