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SwanVLM is a MATLAB-based 3D vortex lattice method aerodynamic modelling code developed by undergradaute students at Swansea University's Department of Engineering under the supervision of Prof Ken Morgan and Dr Ben Evans. It was designed to enable efficient Microsoft Excel - based input and output and therefore convenient for coupling to 'wrap around' codes such as optimisation algorithms.
The main code is contained in the MATLAB file SwanVLM.m and can be run by typing SwanVLM at the MATLAB command line. A user guide is provided in the pdf document 'SwanVLM User Guide.pdf' along with a technical thesis explaining the method in 'Thesis.pdf'. A set of example input .xls files for running a variety of wing/aircraft configurations is included in the directory 'Examples'.
If you have feedback on this software and/or would like to contribute upgrades / bug fixes please contact Dr Ben Evans on b.j.evans@swansea.ac.uk