
Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is my cms?

My CMS will be a Content-Management-System developed by myself, using Flask as a backend and React as a frontend.

I'm making this out or a personal project, I know there must be multitude of CMS' which can do better than mine, but this is an excercise for me too.


As I plan to use React, both node and python are needed for compiling/developing MyCMS.

The environment right now has webpack configured as a webserver for the compiled JS files, with the added value of reloading even when using Flask's dev server. This is done by requesting only the compiled JS to the webpack dev server and the rest being served by flask, this is only enabled by setting the REACT env variable to the webpack address:

export REACT=http://localhost:3333

This is managed all automatically by Python's Honcho

Setting up the test enviroment

  1. First clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/DrBomb/mycms.git
    cd mycms
  2. Install nodejs, then the dependencies

    sudo apt-get install nodejs

    Which will install nodejs and the package manager npm

  3. Install globally webpack and webpack-dev-server, then the rest of dependencies locally

    sudo npm install webpack webpack-dev-server -g
    npm install
  4. Now make a virtualenv and store our python packages

    virtualenv mycms
    cd mycms
    source ./bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. That's it! Now from the root directory run honcho start to start both the webpack server and the flask dev server

    • Access your website via http://localhost:5000


  • /
  • /mycms
  • /mycms/App.py Flask App
  • /mycms/entry.py Entry point from which the app's WSGI object is exposed
  • /mycms/jsx JSX (React) Sources, they all get compiled to:
  • /mycms/static/bundles This folder, which is not watched by version control
  • /mycms/templates Jinja templates


Running the dev server via honcho start will enable reloading, so if you make changes to any file on the jsx folder, they will get compiled and shown back!


If you want to compile the final .js needed for actual deployment, run webpack on the root of the repo and it'll compile them for you