
Ted2Go IDE is a leading IDE for Monkey2 programming language. Written on Monkey2! Based on original Ted2. With little Experimental Extensions.

Primary LanguageMonkey

Ted2GoEx is forked from the original Ted2Go with extra features. You need monkey2Ex to compile. [monkey2Ex](https://github.com/DrCox85/monkey2Ex)


An IDE for Monkey2 programming language.

Binaries for MacOS and Windows are available at itch.io.

Benefits & Goals

  • Autocompletion for keywords, modules and user's code (WIP).
  • On-the-fly parser - see errors w/o build (not all errors).
  • "Find in project" dialog.
  • CodeTree and NavigationList for comfortable code jumping (todo).
  • Code folding and bookmarks (todo).
  • Doc's hints directly inside of code area (todo).

More info

Discuss on forum page.

Monkey <-> money :)

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Notes for contributors

Please, take a look at code style. It based on original Ted2.

Will be super-cool if you can write the same style to make this project consistent.

Local abc:="ABC" ' there is no spaces in assignment


callSomeMethod( param1,param2 ) 'there are spaces in bracket bounds

Method check:Bool( value:Double ) 'spaces in declaration
                          ' empty line after method name (can ignore if there is one-line body)
   Return value > 1.75