
Cli based automated downloader using termux

Primary LanguagePython

Termux Downloader Android (...aka Youtube-Downloader-Android)

History of developement of this script

Hi all! This script was once intended to download video and audio, only from youtube. Later it is extended to download videos from almost all sites and social media, torrents and Google drive. This script based on Termux app for downloading. Hence it is Termux Downloader.


  • Owner and Developer: Dr.Delin @DrDelin
  • Co-Developer and script optimizer: Dr.Senthil Manikandan @Senthil360
  • Script watcher and contributor: Dr.Dhinesh cool

Installation(Stable version):

  1. Install termux from github https://github.com/termux/termux-app/releases (arm64 recommended ,use arm only for device lower than android 7)
  2. Type the commands or just copy or use the copy button provided and Paste it on termux:
    pkg up -y -y -y -y
    pkg install git -y
    git clone https://github.com/DrDelin/Youtube-Downloader-Android/ -b master --single-branch
    cd Youtube-Downloader-Android
    sh install.sh
  3. Press ALLOW to give storage permission
  4. (Important) For Android 10 or above users: Go to app settings -> Termux app settings -> Give ALLOW to "Display over other apps" permission for working of this script

Troubleshooting or repairing:

Incase if the program not working properly or not downloading or showing errors, just follow these steps,

  1. Open termux app
  2. Type sh refresh.sh
  3. Program gets clean installed or returned to factory default


How to download videos or audio:

  1. Open the desired video or audio or playlist or site in which the video is present.
  2. Select share option (used to share the link)
  3. Select TERMUX from the share list
  4. Thats all! Your video / audio / playlist will download (Location: Internal storage of your device -> Termux-Downloader)
  5. (For Youtube Download) Select Video / audio / best -> Select required resolution once, later it is set as default (can be changed if you type "y") -> skip next (unless if you want custom format) -> type "y" if you need subtitle(Subtitle only available if only youtube has..) -> Forget rest!... My script will take care
  6. (For Youtube Music / audio from youtube) Type your favourite audio codec (like mp3, m4a, aac, webm, flac...) for one time as default (can be changed later) -> Audio will be downloaded in your favourite codec
  7. Note: This script is completely automated, hence the program closes itself after downloading.. Hence, Share your link to Termux.. Go get some coffee..! See your file will be in internal storage of the device



  1. The name, site of download, and URL of the files downloaded by this script are saved as history.
  2. Don't get panicked... Only typing a code makes it visible, otherwise none will know about history.
  3. History feature is created to:
    • Redownload the file which is previously downloaded
    • Revisit the site from which the file is downloaded
  4. You can clear the history too...!!
  5. Code to see history is python history.py


  1. Updates are completly automatic and you won't need to worry about it.
  2. If you are facing any issue on new update or having any suggestions on a new feature, make it a note in issue section

(Not Recommended!)(Developers only)Beta Channel installation or switch over btw Stable and Beta:

Warning! This Channel is only for DEVELOPER'S BETA TESTING! May have bugs and fatal flaws. Hence, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.

Beta channel fresh installation:

  pkg up -y -y -y -y
  pkg install git -y
  git clone https://github.com/DrDelin/Youtube-Downloader-Android/ -b Sigma-D --single-branch
  cd Youtube-Downloader-Android
  sh install.sh

Switch between Stable and Beta:

  1. Open termux
  2. (For first time only) pkg install vim-gtk -y
  3. Edit refresh.sh file with vi refresh.sh
  4. Change the 12th line,
    a. Stable -> Beta: change master to Sigma-D
    b. Beta -> Stable: change Sigma-D to master
  5. Exit vim editor(esc -> :wq -> enter)
  6. Then, run sh refresh.sh

Warning!! Again this is strictly for developers.. So, Recommended to use Stable version.