
Distributed Document Storage using Web Browser cache for leaks-oriented sites

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Distributed Document Storage using Web Browser cache for leaks-oriented sites.

A leaks site that only exists within every reader's Web browser.


  • Server hosts no data.
  • Single point of failure (server) can be replaced quickly.
  • If the server rejects data, the server can be moved someplace else
  • Documents that are not being accessed are 'forgotten'
  • People wanting to donate bandwidth and disk space can run a Chrome extension.

Technical details

Two components:

  • Regular site client JS (CLIENT)
  • NodeJS server (NODE)

When CLIENT access NODE, NODE will check whether CLIENT is coming from a tor exit node, if not will explain the user the need to use tor and offer a link to download the tor bundle.

For tor-shielded CLIENTs, the default landing page will contain a list of the currently-known to the NODE hashes, plus the number of active connection. The CLIENT will also immediately start downloading documents through the NODE as the NODE sees fit.

When the CLIENT access a hash, the NODE checks whether it knows an active connection with that hash. Otherwise it will exhaustively ask all other connections for the hash, starting with the CHROME clients.

When CLIENT is asked for a document via a hash, it will check whether the hash is stored and return it, otherwise it will indicate it doesn't has the document.

Extended CLIENTs could use a Chrome Extension (CHROME) or a full fledged node.js program that stores all known documents and even connects multiple servers together (GATEWAY). For example, CHROME could operate in the background and stores a much larger number of documents.

NODE is expected to run completely in RAM without storing no logs of any type. It keeps in RAM a sparse matrix of hashes vs. connections, distributing documents to connections to enforce a minimum number of replicated documents.

The documents are replicated fully and have a maximum size. The only crypto code involved is computing full document hashes.

Indexing and browsing documents is expected to be done on a different site and are outside of this project.


REST calls from NODE:

  • /status returns
    • number_of_clients - number of connected clients
    • number_documents - number of known documents
    • max_document_size - maximum document size accepted by this server
    • replication_level - how many copies of each document the system will try to have

The communication between the CLIENT and NODE:

  • From Client: JSON { 'command' : 'FETCH' , 'hash' : hash }
  • From Client: JSON { 'command' : 'REGISTER', 'hash' : hash }
  • From Client: JSON { 'command' : 'AVAILABLE', 'number_of_slots' : number }
  • From Client: JSON { 'command' : 'LIST', 'number_of_hashes' : number }
  • From Client: JSON { 'response' : 'UNAVAILABLE', 'hash' : hash }
  • From Client: binary data (document)
  • From Node: JSON { 'command' : 'FETCH', 'hash' : hash }
  • From Node: JSON { 'response' : 'UNAVAILABLE', 'hash' : hash }
  • From Node: JSON { 'response' : 'LIST', 'hash' : [ hash ] }
  • From Node: binary data (document)

Related technology

About the name

Thout is an alternative spelling for the Egyptian god 'Thoth', which, among many other things, "served as a mediating power, especially between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other" (according to Wikipedia). Thanks to Maxime Martineau for suggesting the name.