
Fuse Fabric : a provisioning, configuration and management solution for Apache Karaf, Apache ServiceMix and Fuse

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Open Source, Camel based iPaaS

Welcome to the Fuse open source stack which consists of:

Here's a Demo

For slides and videos see this blog post on the CamelOne 2013 keynote.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/68126320" width="500" height="313" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Camel in the cloud demo from CamelOne 2013 from James Strachan on Vimeo.

Creating a Fabric

You can try a download of the Fuse Fabric code or build the project with maven via:

cd fabric/fuse-fabric/target
tar xf fuse-fabric-99-master-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
cd fuse-fabric-99-master-SNAPSHOT

From the distro, start up the Fuse container via:


Once the container starts up, create a Fabric:

fabric:create -r manualip -m localhost --new-user admin --new-user-password admin

then to enable the hawtio console:

container-add-profile root hawtio

you should be able to then open it at http://localhost:8181/hawtio/

to add kibana for ElasticSearch based search of logs, metrics & camel messages:

container-add-profile root kibana

the profile I used in the demo video is example-camel-fabric or can be created via the console via:

container-create-child  --profile example-camel-fabric root mycamel

Running the drools workbench

To demonstrate the provisioning of Tomcat from inside Fuse Fabric along with registering all Tomcat's web apps with the Fabric registry (so we can do cross-application linking easily), try the following:

container-add-profile root drools-consoles-controller

Now there should be a child Tomcat process running with the drools workbench installed inside it. You can then see it running (give it a minute or so to startup etc):


If it doens't appear at first, be patient; it takes a little while to download the tomcat & drools workbench distros and get them running (they are not currently pre-cached in the Fuse Fabric distro).

If you run the hawtio application, you should see the Rules tab on the Fabric page; which links to the drools workbench web application running in the child Tomcat container.

Running Fuse Fabric on OpenShift

If you want to try out Fuse on OpenShift here's the current instructions:

1 Create a Fabric Registry (based on EA 6.1 build of Fuse).

rhc create-app registry https://raw.github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse-registry-openshift-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml

This will output the generated password for fabric and also the http url for hawtio. You can log in using admin/.

You can then login to your registry at: http://registry-$USERID.rhcloud.com/hawtio/ where $USERID is your openshift account name.

2 Create additional Fabric Containers

rhc create-app fuse https://raw.github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse-openshift-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml

This will just create a plain fabric container (will not join it to the cluster. This is an openshift limitation)

3 Join the container to the Fabric Cluster

rhc cartridge-add --app fuse https://raw.github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse-client-openshift-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml