IITC plugin : Weather Map
Country cells activity
Based on CP scores for the current cycle.
How To
- First time, select the country of you choice to save your preferences.
- Change prefered country with the menu "Weather Map Config"
- Load score with the menu "Weather Map"
- A counter is displayed during loading scores. Wait until the panel displays and if some request fails a button will appears to reload the missing cells. Use it until the missing cells are recovered.
- Show weather map by check point
- Play all check points as a little animation
- Show cell detail on click
- Possible opacity cells relative to the score (set it in Weather Map Configurator)
Cells color
- Blue : RES
- Green : ENL
- Orange : Scores equal between RES and ENL
- Red : Scores RES and ENL equal to zero
Available countries
- Austria ( 8 cells )
- Belgium ( 2 cells )
- Canada ( 610 cells )
- China ( 533 cells )
- England ( 18 cells )
- France ( 61 cells )
- Germany ( 26 cells )
- Great Britain ( 28 cells ) (England + Scotland)
- Ireland ( 10 cells )
- India ( 165 cells )
- Italia ( 33 cells )
- Japan ( 62 cells )
- Netherland ( 8 cells )
- Poland ( 19 cells )
- Russia ( 867 cells )
- Scotland ( 11 cells )
- Spain ( 45 cells )
- United Kingdom ( 38 cells ) (England + Scotland + Ireland)
- USA ( 505 cells )
I can add your country, ask me by creating an issue or by email at hurqalia22 dot gmail.com