
A silly experiment with Rust, NBDKit, and using a BMP image as a virtual disk.

Primary LanguageRust

Use this with nbdkit on Linux.

Build with Cargo: cargo build --release

BMP stored in /var/tmp/bmpdisk.bmp

nbdkit ./target/release/libbmpdisk.so
Runs nbdkit.

filename=/var/tmp/bmpdisk.bmp Target file location. Makes a new file if it doesn't already exist.

dimensions=1024 Sets the dimensions of the image when creating a new file.

no-split-channels=true If set, does not split disk use across R, G, B channels.

Loading with nbd and mounting disk

sudo modprobe nbd
Load nbd driver (might need to do this before nbdkit.)

sudo nbd-client -b 512 localhost 10809 /dev/nbd0
Connect disk to system in loopback file.
To disconnect: sudo nbd-client -d /dev/nbd0

sudo gdisk /dev/nbd0
Create empty partition table.

mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nbd0
Create filesystem on disk.

sudo mount /dev/nbd0 /mnt/bmpdisk
Mount disk.

sudo chmod -R 755 /mnt/bmpdisk && sudo chown -R <username> /mnt/bmpdisk
Take ownership of disk.