An interactive world map for the game Guns of Icarus Online/Alliance.
Hosted here:
- normal map things like panning, zooming, and mobile support
- togglable overlays for territories and capitol markers
- paintable territories!
- enable the painter and select what faction to paint (any paint as long as it's blue)
- click/tap territories to paint
- buttons for paint all, randomize paint, and reset
- paint data is not stored; everything will reset on reload
- v0.2.0 monument overlay has been added: view monument image and text
- JavaScript, NodeJS, pnpm package manager
- leaflet mapping library
- vitejs front-end tooling (hot-reloading and building)
- vercel simple and free web deployment and hosting
WARNING!!! Source code may be radioactive. Please wear proper protection before looking.
Clone and install dependencies:
git clone
cd goi-world-map
pnpm i
Run vite development server:
pnpm dev
pnpm build
cd dist