p2pspider 是一个种子嗅探器, 它从全球 BitTorrent 网络嗅探并保存当前活跃的种子。
你可以使用 p2pspider 打造私人种子库(比如: 海盗湾), 也可做资源数据挖掘与分析(比如哪一个国家贡献小电影最多)。
go get github.com/fanpei91/p2pspider
p2pspider -h
Usage of p2pspider:
-a string
listen on given address (default "")
-d string
the directory to store the torrent file (default "/$HOME/torrents")
-e int
max peers(TCP) to connenct to download torrent file (default 400)
-f int
max friends to make with per second (default 500)
-p int
listen on given port (default 6881)
-s string
token secret (default "$p2pspider$")
-t duration
max time allowed for downloading torrent file (default 10s)
-v run in verbose mode (default true)
bep_0005, bep_0003, bep_0010, bep_0009
p2pspider is a torrent sniffer, it crawls torrents that people are using to download resource from the BitTorrent network.
You can use p2pspider to build your own torrent database(e.g: The Pirate Bay), or data mining and analyzing.
go get github.com/fanpei91/p2pspider
p2pspider -h
Usage of p2pspider:
-a string
listen on given address (default "")
-d string
the directory to store the torrent file (default "/$HOME/torrents")
-e int
max peers(TCP) to connenct to download torrent file (default 400)
-f int
max friends to make with per second (default 500)
-p int
listen on given port (default 6881)
-s string
token secret (default "$p2pspider$")
-t duration
max time allowed for downloading torrent file (default 10s)
-v run in verbose mode (default true)
#default arguments
p2pspider only works on a host which has a public ip.
bep_0005, bep_0003, bep_0010, bep_0009