
Package to download data from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer into R

Primary LanguageR


CRAN status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

Download data from the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Human Capital Data Explorer into R

See the pkgdown site for full details.


You can install the released version of wcde from CRAN with:


Install the developmental version with:

install_github("guyabel/wcde", ref = "main")


Download data based on a indicator, scenario and country code:

#> Suggested citation for data:
#> Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (WIC) Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer. Version 3.0 (Beta), 2023

# SSP2 education specific tfr for Austria
get_wcde(indicator = "etfr", country_name = "Austria")
#> # A tibble: 96 × 6
#>    scenario name    country_code education          period     etfr
#>       <dbl> <chr>          <dbl> <chr>              <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1        2 Austria           40 No Education       2020-2025   1.7
#>  2        2 Austria           40 Incomplete Primary 2020-2025   1.7
#>  3        2 Austria           40 Primary            2020-2025   1.7
#>  4        2 Austria           40 Lower Secondary    2020-2025   1.7
#>  5        2 Austria           40 Upper Secondary    2020-2025   1.5
#>  6        2 Austria           40 Post Secondary     2020-2025   1.3
#>  7        2 Austria           40 No Education       2025-2030   1.7
#>  8        2 Austria           40 Incomplete Primary 2025-2030   1.7
#>  9        2 Austria           40 Primary            2025-2030   1.7
#> 10        2 Austria           40 Lower Secondary    2025-2030   1.7
#> # … with 86 more rows

# SSP2 education specific population sizes for Iran and Kenya
get_wcde(indicator = "pop", country_code = c(364, 404), pop_edu = "four")
#> # A tibble: 170 × 6
#>    scenario name                       country_code  year education         pop
#>       <dbl> <fct>                             <dbl> <dbl> <fct>           <dbl>
#>  1        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2020 Under 15       20934.
#>  2        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2020 No Education    8397.
#>  3        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2020 Primary        14412.
#>  4        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2020 Secondary      32781.
#>  5        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2020 Post Secondary 10465.
#>  6        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2025 Under 15       20522 
#>  7        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2025 No Education    7559.
#>  8        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2025 Primary        14236.
#>  9        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2025 Secondary      36161.
#> 10        2 Iran (Islamic Republic of)          364  2025 Post Secondary 12214.
#> # … with 160 more rows

# SSP1, 2 and 3 gender gaps in educational attainment (15+) for all countries
get_wcde(indicator = "ggapedu15", scenario = 1:3)
#> # A tibble: 69,768 × 6
#>    scenario name                     country_code  year education    ggapedu15
#>       <int> <chr>                           <dbl> <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
#>  1        1 Bulgaria                          100  2020 No Education      -0.4
#>  2        1 Myanmar                           104  2020 No Education      -3.4
#>  3        1 Burundi                           108  2020 No Education      12.2
#>  4        1 Belarus                           112  2020 No Education      -0.1
#>  5        1 Cambodia                          116  2020 No Education      -9.2
#>  6        1 Algeria                            12  2020 No Education     -14.1
#>  7        1 Cameroon                          120  2020 No Education      -9.2
#>  8        1 Canada                            124  2020 No Education       0  
#>  9        1 Cape Verde                        132  2020 No Education       1.8
#> 10        1 Central African Republic          140  2020 No Education     -26  
#> # … with 69,758 more rows


The vignette provides many more examples on how to use the package to download data and produce plots from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer.