
This is a Buildroot external tree for an OS that runs a "rotary phone audio guestbook program" for a Raspberry Pi 1.

This deploys the application by Nick Pourazima and Craig Hesling: https://github.com/nickpourazima/rotary-phone-audio-guestbook


Prerequisites for buildroot https://buildroot.org/downloads/manual/manual.html#requirement-mandatory

Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:DrSkunk/phone-audio-guestbook-os.git
cd phone-audio-guestbook-os
git submodule update --init

To build, run this in the buildroot directory.

make BR2_EXTERNAL=../ phone_guestbook_rpi_defconfig
make BR2_EXTERNAL=../

Use the option BR2_JLEVEL=<number> to set the J=<number> for make. Then wait...

The generated image will be in output/images/sdcard.img.

Inspiration taken from https://github.com/area3001/mendeleevos/