Quick start guide

Get token

  1. Open Discord in any browser (you can also use the desktop client, but then you first have to do this).
  2. Log in, if you are not already logged in.
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + I or F12 to open the developer tools.
  4. Go to the Network tab.
  5. In the filter box, type /api/v9.
  6. Refresh the page/client with Ctrl + R or F5.
  7. Click any of the items in the list that just appeared.
  8. On the right side, under Headers, find an entry called authorization (it should be under Request Headers).
  9. Copy the value, this is your token.

How to get the token

Use token

  1. In a terminal, go to the Turbulence.CLI directory.
  2. Run dotnet user-secrets set token [your token here].

Now you can run Turbulence.CLI.